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Research of Mini UUV Integrated Navigation Technology for Ocean Surveying and Detecting
Author: ZhangHongDe
Tutor: ShiXiaoCheng
School: Harbin Engineering University
Course: Control Theory and Control Engineering
Keywords: Mini UUV Underwater integrated navigation system Dead Reckoning
CLC: U674.941
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
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Mini UUV is more and more widely used in complex marine environment topographysurveying, military reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance combat mission circumstance.The accuracy of the navigation system is an important aspect of the Mini UUV’s technicallevel. This project is based on Harbin Engineering University subject construction project.Considering the special characteristics of Mini UUV, the paper designed a SINS/DVLintegrated navigation system while reference other sensor’s data. Finally the thsis completedthe hardware and software of the integrated navigation system. The paper mainly introducesthe attitude solution algorithms and Kalman filter theory, then the paper used dead reckoningmethod to get the Mini UUV’s navigation information.According to the demand of the research, the main tasks of the thesis include severalaspects, which are shown below:First, according to the requirements of the project, the paper selected the navigationposition and attitude measurement unit. The paper used the Pro/ENGINEER softwaredesigned the layout of the navigation equipment in Mini UUV. The paper established thereference coordinate system. The paper researched the SINS’s error equations. Then the paperresearched the attitude solution algorithm, and verified the algorithm’s performance throughthe Simulink simulation model.Secondly, the paper took a deeply research of linear Kalman filter theory and verifed theperformance of the Kalman filter through the simulation. Then the paper studied the deadreckoning algorithm, and researched a compensation method to sovle the navigation sensorinstallation error that can effectively improve the precision of the UUV navigationperformance. Then the thsis designed a software system based the VxWorks operating systemof Windriver company which includes the design and thinking of the important part of theentire system.Thirdly, the integrated navigation system’s simulation experiment was carried out underthe laboratory conditions. The thsis researched the output data’s feature of inertial sensors anddepth sensor data. Finally the thsis verified the algorithm of SINS and navigation meathodthough the simulation. The simulation result shows: SINS/DVL integrated navigation systemcan greatly improve the navigation system’s accuracy. Through the result of simulation, theunder water integrated navigation system provide a favorable environment protection for MiniUUV work reliably. Finally, may be there are some defects and discussible problems through this research,which are listed in the last chapter, along with the aspects of improvement method for futherresearch.
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