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The Research and Design of Three-dimensional Precise Positioning System on Prisoners

Author: ZhaoGuangXu
Tutor: LiGuoYi
School: Liaoning University of Technology
Course: Communication and Information System
Keywords: personnel positioning 3D precise positioning UWB TOF TDOA
CLC: TN925
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2014
Downloads: 22
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In recent years, prison safety accidents happens frequently, causing great loss to thecountry and people’s property. A precise positioning system of a complete set of highprecision of the prison staff plays a very important role in safety management of the prison.Especially in the prevention of the escape, accurate positioning of prison staff is the mosteffective method. With the rapid development of wireless communication technology,especially after the rapid development of the birth of UWB technology and Ethernettechnology, it has opened up a new way for prison personnel positioning system. Theapplication of UWB technology in the accurate positioning system of prison staff has a lot ofadvantages, such as low power consumption, low cost and high positioning accuracy. Antijamming ability of UWB signal is strong. The prison personnel positioning system and themonitoring center are connected by Ethernet technology. The safety of management andprecision positioning of the prison management are closely related, so this paper puts forwardthe prison of three-dimensional precise positioning system researching and designing.The main topic of the precise positioning of Indoor3D algorithm is based on UWBtechnology research and design. First of all, several commonly used wireless technology issimply introduced and compared. A detailed description of the basic principle of UWBtechnology is done and the UWB basic concept is introduced. The main advantage of UWBwireless orientation technology compared with other wireless location technology and twokinds of commonly UWB signal generating method are given. Secondly, several kinds ofmain indoor location algorithm and the geometric model are introduced. The TDOA algorithmis fitter than other algorithm in indoor location system. The mathematical formula for thisalgorithm is iterative algorithm of Taylor series, the problem of Taylor iteration lies in theselection of initial value, and an improper initial value will make the convergence speedgreatly reduced. The TOF/TDOA algorithm is designed to solve the above problems, the TOFresult is used as the initial value of TDOA Taylor algorithm in iterative computation. Thismethod can optimize the speed of convergence, and make it easy to be realized in engineeringproject.The new algorithm is finally simulated, and the experimental results show that,TOF/TDOA algorithm can improve the positioning accuracy, and make it easy to be realizedin engineering project. It has objective value in the field of Indoor3D precise positioning.

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Wireless communications > Radio relay communications,microwave communications
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