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Health communication from the perspective of network news media air pollution reports on sina.com.cn and ifeng.com haze weather reports
Author: LiJuan
Tutor: WangZuo
School: Shandong Normal University
Course: Journalism
Keywords: Health communication air pollution the network news media professional reports
CLC: G212
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2014
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The haze weather, spread across the nation at the beginning of2013,has m-aked the whole society to understand the severity of air pollution. People createhuge social wealth because of the development of industry and city the civilizati-on. Meanwhile, that change the atmosphere into "air trash". The index such asPM2.5, AQI, has become the focus of social attention. However, compare to therespect for these professional index, it is great threat to public health caused bythe pollution that the public has the real perception."In2010the global burdenof disease assessment", promulgated at "Air pollution and health effects of acade-mic seminar" held at the Tsinghua University and the American Health EffectsInstitute, pointed out that at present in the global scope of fine particle pollutionhas caused about3200000premature deaths and it affected more than76000000peoples health.With the rapid development of network technology, Internet news media isbecoming an important part of air pollution reports. Under the framework of thehealth communication and on the basis of Agenda Setting Theory and Enwironm-ental Risk Assessment Theory, this artical aims to present how does the Internetnews media define the increasingly serious air pollution phenomenon and its clos-e relations with the public,.then discover and analyze the problems existing inthe Internet news media reports, by the analysis of the related air pollution report of the mainstream network media represented in the Phoenix Net and Sina,in the period of January to March in2013, with the ultimate purpose of discussing the promotion strategy of Internet news media in the future.This study is divided into five parts: The introduction explains the purpose,introduces the current environmental news and research status of health communi-cation, a brief description of research methods and innovation; The first chapteris the statistical data for the research object, and divide into status report, healthknowledge and policy in nine categories; The second chapter mainly analyzes the communication content, skills and agenda setting, it summarizes the main charact-eristics of the network news media air pollution reports; The third chapter basedon the analysis of thereport, find that the current problems of reports, as well asthe main reasons for these problems; The fourth chapter based on characteristicsand problems that analysis in the front, to make recommendations for future reports from the new media and traditional media linkage, the professionalism of airpollution reports and reported keynotes etc…Air pollution has become a global problem, and it required the participationof the whole society to solve this problem. Peter Piot, UNAIDS global president,has emphasized that "reporters can save more lives than doctors." On the networ-k news media in the process, should take the initiative to assume responsibilityfor disseminating health information, to improve the awareness of health commun-ication media radically, so that the network news media play an important rolein air pollution reports.
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CLC: > Culture, science,education, sports > Information and knowledge dissemination > Journalism,journalism > Press interviews and reports
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