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Research on Apple Industry Competitiveness of Hebei Province

Author: SunZhiJun
Tutor: ZhaoBangHong; WangJunQin
School: Agricultural University of Hebei
Course: Industrial Economics
Keywords: Hebei Province apple industry competitiveness evaluation system influencing factors
CLC: F326.13
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
Downloads: 45
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Hebei Province is China’s apple producing province, apple planting area reached236.7thousand hectares in Hebei Province in the end of2011, annual production reached2.926million tons, acreage and production ranked fourth in the countries. The apple industry hasbecome an important pillar industries of agriculture in Hebei Province, has particularlyplayed a very large role in promoting the economic development in the apple productionarea. However, with the continuous development of other producing areas, as well as someforeign important apple production industries developing, many problems in thedevelopment of apple industry in Hebei are gradually emerging, lack of industrialcompetitiveness is more serious. So how to play the advantages of the apple industry andto establish the modern apple industry for promoting the healthy and sustainabledevelopment of apple industry in Hebei Province are particularly important.In this paper, with analyzing the situation of production status, consumption status andtrade of apple industry in Hebei Province, the apple industry in Hebei Provincecompetitiveness compared with the other six major apple producing provinces. In the fourparts of environmental competitiveness, factor competitiveness, product competitiveness,export competitiveness, use factor analysis method to establish a corresponding impactfactors index system, and get the score and ranking of Hebei apple industrycompetitiveness as well as in each of the four areas. Find that the apple industry in HebeiProvince overall competitiveness ranking is fourth place, behind Shanxi, Shandong andHenan provinces, environmental competitiveness ranked second, elements competitivenessranked second, products competitiveness ranked fifth, export competitiveness is fifth. Byranking the results, the apple industry in Hebei Province in the competitiveness of theenvironment as well as elements of competitiveness relative advantages is the top, but therelatively low ratings are in terms of product competitiveness and export competitiveness.After this analysis, it is found that some of the problems that exist in the apple industry inHebei Province competitiveness, including varieties of a single structure, poor fruitvarieties, post harvest the commercial processing level too low, the lack of scientific andtechnological innovation and technology services, low farmers’ organizations, thegovernment policy not in place and other issues. And put forward correspondingcountermeasures and suggestions based on these issues.

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CLC: > Economic > Agricultural economy > China 's agricultural economy > Agricultural sector economy > Farming > Horticultural crops
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