Salary, one of the most effective ways to stimulate people for a better working, is themain source for workers to gain living necessities. As an important part of human resourcemanagement system, salary management is directly related to the effectiveness of HRmanagement for an enterprise, so as to take an important part in the general achievementof the company. Therefore, it is focused by modern enterprise to maintain and improve thecompany competitiveness through attracting, retaining and stimulating outstanding staffby a scientific, rational and effective payment system.Based on HR management, organizational behaviorism and labor economics, thispaper chooses Tangshan Stainless Steel Co.,Ltd as the target to research, and analyze thecurrent salary system, so as to put forward a new scheme of payment system against theexisting weaknesses and possible reasons. The major areas studied as below: finding outthe weaknesses of the current salary system through the study, such as the big differencesbetween each worker’s salary, uneven distribution, ineffective incentives, etc. During theprocess of collection, induction, calculation and analysis of huge amount of data, thecauses of the existing problems are found out; In connection with the actual situation onTSSS, various methods(like: paper research, working analysis, position assessment andpayment against position level) are adopted. Assignation and adjustment of the worker’spayment standard, wage level as well as salary element structure are developed, so that ascientific and rational payment system is established.To achieve the research purpose, this paper adopts several methods, including:system analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, questionnaire, interview andpractical theory. In the essay a new salary system cored with the salary against positionlevel is developed to evaluate and mirror the contributions of each staff members, thissystem could strengthen staff reliabilities, attract and retain talented people the companyrequires, and lays a foundation for improving the company’s competitiveness.Finally some new measures for the compensation system are put forward: Managercan publicize the necessity and feasibility of the compensation system in the company byusing the power of enterprise culture. Those new measures should run as pilot test on asmall scale, then will be carried out gradually in the whole company after its perfection.Human resource department will supply professional solutions raised by the employeesduring operation, so as to improve the economic responsibility appraisal system and make the compensation system give itself full play. Human resources deparment should alsocoordinate all kinds of relationship well, propagandize work, shift employees’ thought andguarantee the successful implementation of the new compensation plan.