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Research password authentication key agreement protocol based
Author: GuoDongMing
Tutor: ZhangLong
School: Heilongjiang University
Course: Applied Mathematics
Keywords: Static password Dynamic password Password authentication Key agreement Hash function
CLC: TN918.1
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
Downloads: 22
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This paper using the dynamic password in ID authentication,propose the Au—thenticated my agreement protocol based 011 the authentication password—basedTo a eelrain extent,in(ieasing tile aluount of cal(1flation,eIISlira attacker got theInstant passwoid.also Call not coinpute tile initial i)asswoid.Tin01lgll tile passwoid geneiation algoiithm,improve tile station一to一station keyagreement Protocols and Burmeste—Desmedt Authenticated Key Agreement Proto—eols,and propose two improvements schemes respectively.Scheme I using TA realized authentication and consultation session keys.re—quest TA has the strong computing power,because tim schoule has many validationto the user identityScheme II the user do identity authentication and consultations a session keysdirectly,C()IUp]lting capacity to reduce.if a legitimate user gr(:nips%VeIe h()nest.theSClleiUe is safe.
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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Communicate > Confidentiality of communications and communications security > Theory
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