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Research on the Soil Environmental Function Zoning
Author: LiZhiYi
Tutor: ZhaoYanWen
School: Nanjing Agricultural College
Course: Environmental Science
Keywords: Soil Environmental Function Function Zoning Soil Environmental Function Zone Nanjing City GIS Fuzzy Cluster Analysis AHP
CLC: X321
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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Soil is the source of material foundation and precious wealth for people existence, and plays an important action for human civilization and social development. With the rapid and continues development of social economy and the accelerated process of industrialization and urbanization, the problem of soil resources utilization is even more serious, such as serious soil pollution, irrational utilization of soil resources, which has seriously affected the coordinated development of socio-economic and environment. From the perspective of sustainable of soil environmental function zoning has become the focus problem of research in the field of environmental manages.This paper consult foreign and domestic existing result of soil environmental function zoning, the natural and social properties of soil resources were analyzed to formulize the dividing scheme of environmental functions of the soil. We take Nanjing City as an example, and divided into four different levels of soil environmental functional zones, it can provide some basis and reference for reasonable utilization and manage policy of soil resources. Main research contents as follows:1. The theoretic and methodology of the environmental function zoning is summarized in this paper, and provide theoretical guidance and reference for the study on function zoning.2. This paper was making off a groping classification of soil functions from various functions such as resources, environment, economy and society etc., it’s result such as production function, ecological function and carrying function, and theirs corresponding land use types, divided into four different levels of soil environmental functional zones with demand of soil environmental quality, we definite the each soil environmental function zone, and the basis of classification are presented.3. According to the classification procedure proposed by the above research, this paper did work in soil environmental function partitions of Nanjing based on GIS. Four functional areas and distribution of the area were obtained using methods of analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy cluster analysis. The paper also put forward major problems and protection direction in each function zone of soil environment.4. This paper adopts MapX component in MapInfo platform and application program development based on Visual Basic, through the components of which directly embed GIS capabilities to achieve GIS map browsing, layers management, information query and graphical output, soil environmental function zoning information management system of Nanjing to achieve the information and automation management for soil environmental function zone.
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CLC: > Environmental science, safety science > Administration of Environmental Protection > Environmental planning and environmental management > Regional environmental planning and management
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