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Storage, Management and Sharing of Farmland Information Based on Metadata

Author: XuZuo
Tutor: MaXinMing
School: Henan Agricultural University
Course: Agricultural Information Technology
Keywords: farmland information metadata metadata standards metadata dictionary metadata services GIS
CLC: S126
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
Downloads: 5
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In order to realize integration of storage, manage and sharing of farmland information, to solve the existing problem that agricultural information systems is difficult to exchange and share data, metadata dictionary was builded based on metadata, spatial database technology and other technologies and methods, got a free share distribution of the standard XML interchange format by standardized processing ot element farmland information, hierarchical storage and management model of farmland information was founded, and hierarchical storage and management of farmland information was realized. On this basis, the field of heterogeneous information sharing methods and programs was discussed, shared services and interoperate model of the farmland information was also established with metadata service and Web Services, the multiple lossless data sharing was achieved. Results showed that the metadata and metadata service technology are feasible and effective to solve problems on the integrating storage, management and sharing of farmland information based on the establishment of standard farmland information metadata.The research is conducive to diverse fields of information sharing, enhance existing agricultural information system scalability and improve the utilization of agricultural information.The main research content and innovative points are as follows:First , metadata dictionary and classification and coding was fulfilled based on the existing agricultural information classification and coding standard, the difficult field of farmland information exchange format was unified.Second ,the metadata dataset was built with spatial database technology, after extraction and packaging of farmland information. Hierarchical storage and management model of farmland information was founded, and hierarchical storage and management of farmland information was realized.Third, the information sharing and interoperability model was achived by metadata and metadata services, researching the field of information sharing and exchange of agricultural information, and making farmland information sharing out of the GIS platform limitations, farmland information multi-source and multi-system freely shared was realized.Last, after the standardization of the farmland information metadata of processing, based on the GIS platform, an integrating agricultural information storage, management and sharing solution was founded with spatial database based on the GIS platform. By extracting and packaging the data in "WebGIS-based decision-making system of wheat precision fertilization" and "GIS-based evaluation system of crop potential output in Henan Province", the lossless data sharing was achieved.

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CLC: > Agricultural Sciences > Agriculture as the foundation of science > Agricultural physics > Electronic technology, computer technology in agriculture
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