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Research of Active Power Filter in Three-phase Four-wire System

Author: ZhuLiangHe
Tutor: ZouYunPing
School: Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Course: Power Electronics and Power Chuan Chuan
Keywords: Three-phase four -wire Active Power Filter Three - level three-leg Deadbeat control Three - dimensional modulation strategy
CLC: TN713.8
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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With more and more non-linear load into grid applications , the three-phase four-wire system with the grid system harmonics governance issues has begun to attract the attention of the people . As the three-phase four -wire three - level active filter can effectively filter out the three-phase four-wire grid load harmonic current components , and has a fast response, the characteristics of the the dynamic continuous real-time compensation , so this paper, three-wire four-wire system level three-leg capacitance carve -type APF harmonic compensation as research , in-depth research the APF system 's mathematical model , the current the ring controller design and modulation strategy design . The establishment of a three-phase still a - b - c coordinate system under APF converter said DC side capacitor voltage balanced and unbalanced two cases for the mathematical model of the system when the the equivalent controlled voltage source and a controlled current source , the similarities and differences of the mathematical model to reveal the system modulation strategy flexible design , from the point of view of the solution space of the linear equations . This paper analyzes a shot lag implementation of the to traditional no deadbeat control , and improved deadbeat control is proposed on the basis of the principles of traditional deadbeat control , in the case of accurate system model parameters , improved no difference beat control will completely eliminate the amount of voltage control lag the implementation of a beat . This paper analyzes the system modulation strategy on load harmonic current compensation , the midpoint potential control , the switching loss control modulation target , and to establish the precise mathematical expression of the modulation target . Three-phase still a - b - c coordinate system based on the optimization of the objective function of modulation modulation strategy . The modulation strategy to maximize the load harmonic current compensation midpoint potential control and reduce the switching losses can be as practical modulation strategy . Structures based on floating point DSP TMS320F28335 the APF experimental prototype , completed the experimental validation of the proposed improved deadbeat control and new modulation strategy . The experimental results show that the improved deadbeat controller to better calculate the appropriate amount of voltage control , new modulation strategy can be completed at the same time voltage control output , the midpoint potential equalization , modulation switching loss reduction target , which prove improved deadbeat and the correctness and feasibility of the new modulation strategy .

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Basic electronic circuits > Filtering techniques,the filter > Active filter
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