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Xiongpi common deficiency of blood gas analysis research

Author: ZongXiaoYu
Tutor: SunZuo
School: Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Course: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Keywords: Xiongpi Chest tightness Blood gas analysis TCM
CLC: R259
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
Downloads: 14
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Exposition of the thesis, including literature review and clinical research literature review in two parts of two parts : A Literature Review summarizes TCM ancient times to the awareness of the disease , including the name of disease , etiology, pathogenesis governance law ; Western medicine in part because modern medicine the \Discusses the causes of chest tightness , chest tightness classification as well as modern medicine the chest tightness understanding of . And discusses blood gas analysis in the study . Clinical research component of the theoretical basis for research to Xiongpi pathogenesis of yin and yang qi , Qi, Yang and Yin Deficiency climate research . 60 Department of Respiratory Medicine chest symptoms were divided into three groups Qi, Yang and Yin packet standard reference \The results found showed a gradually increasing trend from yin to yang qi deficiency pH between various types of gradually increasing trend from Yang and Yin PO2 to qi deficiency to a gradually increasing trend from Qi deficiency to the yin to the yang deficiency PCO2 between differences were significant . These results suggest that blood gas analysis objective basis as Xiongpi clinical syndrome .

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CLC: > Medicine, health > Chinese Medicine > TCM Internal Medicine > Modern medicine, internal diseases
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