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Sociality-based Routing Protocols for Mobile Social Networks

Author: HuangXiaoHua
Tutor: DengZuoNi
School: Shanghai Jiaotong University
Course: Computer System Architecture
Keywords: Peer to Peer(P2P) Mobile Ad Hoc Networks(MANET) Mobile Social Networks(MSN) AODV
CLC: TN929.5
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2010
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As On-line Social Networks and wireless technology have been so successful nowadays, a new type of network with sociality and mobility forms, which is called Mobile Social Networks(MSN). There are several key problems in MSN, mainly the application mode, sociality, routing strategies, incentive mechanism, security and privacy. This article focuses on the routing algorithm, and proposes the new Social-AODV (S-AODV) algorithm. Traditional AODV selects path based on the length, or latency, or such other physical factors, ignoring the other attributes of the mobile node. In MSN, the social attributes of the node play a pivotal role. It is the essential characteristic of the network model. So the routing protocol needs to take full advantage of this factor to improve network performance. In this paper, the results of the experiment of S-AODV show that it can reduce the cost of building the new routing paths, while it is beneficial for the aggregation and management in social groups.

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Wireless communications > Mobile Communications
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