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Mutual Reflection between the Ink and Colors
Author: LongJiaZuo
Tutor: LiChaoDe
School: Suzhou University
Course: Art and Design
Keywords: Chinese and Western painting color integration mutual reflection between the ink and colors
CLC: J205
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
Downloads: 57
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The concept of Chinese color painting system is the defusion between the ink and color. Up till now, the Chinese painting has not only experienced the evolution from the ink to color process. With the art development, the art appreciation from the people is moving more closely to the color expression. Many painters have tried different ways to integrate the Chinese and western painting methodologies, thus more and more works showing the beauty of the Chinese painting colors. The modern concept of the painting colors has been greatly changed. The author tried to integrate the western colorful painting into the Chinese ink painting through a splashing process in order to express her heart feelings. Such new painting technique has changed the traditional painting concept between the Chinese ink and color and also introduced a unique expression of the ink and colors through the mutual reflection between the ink and colors.
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CLC: > Art > Painting > Painting theory. > Drawing reviews,appreciate
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