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On the life and moral education purposes

Author: HuLinYing
Tutor: MaYongQing
School: Shandong Normal University
Course: Principles of Education
Keywords: Moral education purposes Personal life The Meaning of Life Intrinsic value The purpose of moral education Social life Living education A good life Basic status Comes from life
CLC: G410
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2000
Downloads: 213
Quote: 4
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Reality being confrollted, even our 1ives are not our subective choices. It hasinvariably been a basic question that whether real life has significance and value ornot. Our behaviour ways dePend tO a large extent on the answer to this question.Through reviewing known conclusions, l try to express my own ideas to maintainlife’s inherent value-oriellted aim of moral education.Real moral education is life-oriented education and fOr-1if e education. Then, acomPlete conception of aAn of moral edilcation at 1east incindes the fol1owingwisdom of life: what is sigulficative life or haPPy life? The answer is the theoreticalbasis and premise of concePtion of aim of moral education.First, from histOrical visual angle, life question restS on tWo basic points ofsub-questions’l. Is significative life individual or social? Z Where is life’ssignificance on earth? Inside life itself or outsthe?From ancient Greece to existentialism, XianQin to Song and Ming Confucianschool, this paPer card the ethic ideas painstakingly to reveal success and failureof bown answers and possible train of thought for usf4 Integrated life is theunification of illdividual life and social life; 2 The significance of life is presellt inreal life itself, in pursuing brilliancy and achievillg oneself, in observing andlearning from real life’s inherent value.The aim of moral education should be life-based. However, it is pitiful to beneglected in the past. This paPer is exPected to establish the aim of moral educationwith the conception of life through reflecting on traditional conception of aim ofmoral education: L Traditional aim of mora1 education is authoritarian in essence,but our aim of moral education is life-oriented, that is, sprouting from life andfOllowing life with interest. Z Traditional moral education trains stUdents toundertake certain socia1 duty in the future, modern aim of moral education basesitself upon present life to achieve the unification of individual life and social life.3. Modern aim of moral education is enable the yOuth to understand savour andpursue life’s inherent vaIue.

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CLC: > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Ideological and political education,moral education > Moral education theory
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