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The Research of Rijndael Algorithm for Document Encryption
Author: TanXiangFang
Tutor: NiuHaiJun
School: Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology
Course: Computer System Architecture
Keywords: Document Encryption Rijndael Block cipher Impossible differential attack
CLC: TP309.7
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2010
Downloads: 54
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With the rapid development of computer technology and communication technology , the security of electronic document storage , safe handling , secure transmission is becoming more and more important. One of the important means of protection of electronic documents is encrypted , the information in the form of storage and transmission of the ciphertext , so as to achieve the purpose of security and confidentiality . This paper analyzes the block cipher is simple , fast, and easy to the advantages of standardization on the block cipher design security policy , based on iterative structure and parameters selected . Focus on a classic block cipher algorithm Rijndael algorithm . Proposed a method for the Rijndael encryption software optimization algorithm, the original round function consists of four steps simplified into two steps , with a look-up table in place of the original limited domain of more complex computing and proved feasible in theory sex . Then, given a document encryption system specific design options . Based on the large amount of data and the speed of the document encryption fast , compared a variety of encryption algorithms , to select the optimized Rijndael algorithm as document encryption system core algorithm . Meanwhile, in the system , analysis of the working mode of the algorithm , is proposed an apparatus for document encryption key protection program . Finally, the in document encryption system , test the original Rijndael algorithm Rijndael algorithm and optimization , validation optimized Rijndael algorithm has faster speed encryption and decryption .
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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Computing technology,computer technology > General issues > Security and confidentiality > Encryption and decryption
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