
About 5 item dissertation in line with Fiscalpolicy query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.057 seconds)

  1. The Research of Macroeconomic Regulation and Control Policy Based on Marx's Reproduction Theory,YangZuoZuo/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/50
  2. The Research on Finance for Environmental Protection Industry in China,QinXiaoYu/Dongbei University of Finance,0/15
  3. Study on Ecnonic Development in Liaoning Coastal Area and Fiscal Policy Regulating Mechanism,LiHong/Shenyang Normal,0/75
  4. Study on fiscal policy in promoting the integration of urban and rural development,LiuZhiGang/Institute of Fiscal Science,0/2388
  5. Research on monetary policy China Finance,LiShengJun/Dongbei University of Finance,7/1716

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