
About 91 item dissertation in line with Forward Security query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.091 seconds)

  1. Research on Rural Households Cultivated Land Operation Behavior and Game Playing Relation of Different Source of the Forward-security Livelihood,JiangFuXia/Southwestern University,0/34
  2. Design and Implementation of Digital Signature Based on Braid Group Cryptography,HuJiangTao/Yunnan University,0/49
  3. Research on Attribute-based and Forward-secure Digital Signature,HuangJiaShun/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/71
  4. Construction on Dynamic Group Signature Scheme and Group Blind Signature Scheme,TangLiWei/Changsha University of Science and Technology,0/53
  5. Research on Proxy Signature Scheme,LiuTao/Yanshan University,0/48
  6. Research on Group Key Management Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks,BianChuan/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,1/25
  7. Prior to the analysis and design of security proxy blind signature,LuShuYi/Heilongjiang University,0/16
  8. Research on the issues related to the private key in the digital signature of the lost,WangZuo/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/1
  9. The Research of (t,n) Threshold Signature Scheme Without Trust Part,XuYan/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/11
  10. Forward Secure Crytposystem with Untrusted Update,LiWanPeng/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/13
  11. Prior to the key management protocol security design and Application,HuangJinTao/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/30
  12. Research on Two Types of Proxy Signature Schemes with Special Properties,CuiTao/Shandong Normal University,0/28
  13. Research of Certificateless Signature Based on Bilinear Pairing,HuangMingJun/Changsha University of Science and Technology,0/78
  14. Study on the Ring Signature Scheme,HuChengZuo/Shandong University,2/288
  15. Study on the Group Signature and Blind Signature,LiRuPeng/Shandong University,1/508
  16. Research on Threshold Cryptography and Its Application,ShangJianWei/Shandong University,1/558
  17. Research on the Cryptosystem Related to Secret Key Security,YuJia/Shandong University,3/386
  18. Research on Digital Signature Theory and Algorithm,WuKeLi/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,12/1168
  19. Research on the Anonymity Problem in the Public-key Cryptosystem,WangJiLin/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,4/310
  20. Research on Forward-Secure Signature Schemes,QiuGang/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/240
  21. Research on Multiparty Oriented Cryptography Schemes,JiangZuo/Shandong University,0/286
  22. Digital Signature Theory and Its Applications in Digital Rights Management System,DengYuQiao/South China University of Technology,0/287
  23. Research on Secure Group Signature Scheme and Security Analysis,ZhuJianHua/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/317
  24. Research on Theory of Digital Signature with Special Properties,XiaXiangSheng/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/259
  25. Two Proxy Signature Schemes with Additional Properties,ShaoYiYong/East China Normal University,0/41
  26. Research of Proxy Digital Signature Schemes,FengMingJun/West China University,1/143
  27. The Design and Analysis of Ring Digital Signatures,ZuoYun/PLA Information Engineering University,1/70
  28. Security Analysis and Improvement for IHO S-63 Data Protection Scheme,ZhouJing/Shanghai Jiaotong University,1/72
  29. Research on Certificate Revocation Scheme in PKI and Forward Security Signature,JiaXuHan/Northwest Normal University,0/61
  30. Provably secure signature schemes Research and Design,ZhouZuo/PLA Information Engineering University,2/119
  31. Design and Analysis of Two Threshold Proxy Signature Schemes,ChengZuo/PLA Information Engineering University,0/50
  32. Anonymous Proxy Signature Scheme Design and Analysis,ChenKai/PLA Information Engineering University,0/72
  33. Study and Design on Some Kinds of Proxy Signature Schemes,YangJie/East China Normal University,0/112
  34. Proxy signature related research,MaGuiZuo/Hefei University of Technology,0/75
  35. Research of Several Problems of Proxy Signature,WangYongBing/Shaanxi Normal University,0/131
  36. Research of Proxy Signature Scheme,ZhangXiaoMin/Shaanxi Normal University,1/143
  37. The Application of Cryptology in Digital Right Management System,DengYuQiao/Shantou University,0/135
  38. Research on Zero-Knowledge Proof and Digital Signature,QinBo/Xi'an University of Technology,4/382
  39. Research on Cross Authentication and Digital Signature in Internet Public Key Infrastructure,WangXiaoFeng/Xi'an University of Technology,0/186
  40. Research on the Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Its Application,ZhangChaoPei/Hefei University of Technology,0/173
  41. Study on Broadcast Encryption and Key Pre-distribution Schemes,LaiXia/West China University,0/175
  42. The Relevant Research on Signcryption,ChenXiaoDi/Shandong University,3/163
  43. Development of Group Signature and the Research and Application of Group Signature Schemes,JiangYan/Shandong University,1/219
  44. The Research on PMI Based on RBAC,PanYong/Hunan University,3/84
  45. Research on Forword-secure Digital Signatures,HouHongXia/Xi'an University of Technology,0/156
  46. Research on Proxy Signature Scheme,WangAiQin/Hohai University,1/109
  47. Design of Network Physical Separator,KeJun/Jiangnan University,0/117
  48. Study on (t, n) Threshold Digital Signature Scheme Based on the Elliptic Curve Cryptography,NingJing/Guangxi University,0/173
  49. Theoretical research and application of group blind signature,ZhangBo/Shandong University,2/156
  50. Digital signature and forward security,LiShunJi/Shandong University,0/239

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