
About 6 item dissertation in line with GJB3 query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.029 seconds)

  1. The Mutation Analysis of GJB3and GJB4Gene in a Family with Erythrakeratodermia Variabilis,WangZuo/Anhui Medical University,,0/46
  2. Clinical Evaluations and Mutational Analysis for Late-onset Progressive Hearing Loss,Sun/PLA Postgraduate Medical School,1/167
  3. Study on Molecular Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Severe to Profound Hearing Loss in China,YuanYongYi/PLA Postgraduate Medical School,7/365
  4. Collecting, Characterizing of the Genetic Resource and Molecular Mapping of the Relevant Genes for Hereditary Hearing Impairment,WangQiuJu/PLA Postgraduate Medical School,5/425
  5. Comparison and Analysis of Common Mutations in Uighur and Han Patients with Non-syndromic Deafness in Xinjiang,ChenYu/Xinjiang Medical University,0/80
  6. Mutation Screening of the KCNQ4 and GJB3 Gene in High Frequencies Hearing Loss Population,LiLiNa/PLA Postgraduate Medical School,0/83

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