About 218 item dissertation in line with Lanzhou University query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.033 seconds)
- Integrated Marketing Communication Program and Implementation of Lanzhou University Press,YuanShang/Lanzhou University,0/116
- Investigation on Cultivation Actuality of MTCSOL,GaoZuoYang/Lanzhou University,0/254
- Luminescence Studies of C Implanted and C+Si and C+Mg Coimplantd n-type GaN,ZhangLiMin/Lanzhou University,0/167
- Study on the Hemostatic Activity Part of Tibetan Medicinal Herb Lamiophlomis Rotata,LiMaoXing/Lanzhou University,5/500
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents and Their Bioactivities of Three Compositae and One Scrophulariaceae Species,ZhangZhanXin/Lanzhou University,1/292
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents and Their Bioactivities of Three Compositae and One Leguminosae Species,FeiDongQing/Lanzhou University,3/226
- Investigation on the Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities of Ligularia Cymbulifera, Saussurea Muliensis and Lycopsis Orientalis,LiuChunMei/Lanzhou University,0/251
- Study on the Novel System of Pharmic Analysis by FI-CE,LiuXiuMei/Lanzhou University,0/125
- Applications of Inorganic Mono-electron Oxidants in Organic Reaction,WuGuaiLi/Lanzhou University,0/100
- Study and Application of QSAR/QSPR and Capillary Electrophoresis,LvWenJuan/Lanzhou University,1/201
- Asymmetric Synthesis of 3-aryl-2,3-diamino Acids,ZhangHuanHuan/Lanzhou University,0/178
- Studies on the Stereoselective Nitration and Oxidative Aromatization with NO,WuWenZuo/Lanzhou University,0/62
- Studies on the Palladium Catalyzed Synthesis of Benzofurans and Indoles,JiangYong/Lanzhou University,0/302
- Studies on Rare Earth Supramolecular Complexes with Podand Ligands and Their Montmorillonite Composite Luminescent Materials,TangKuanZhen/Lanzhou University,0/398
- Study and Application of Coating Technique and Indirect Laser-induced Fluorescence Detection for Capillary Electrophoresis,LuoZhi/Lanzhou University,1/232
- Protection and Deprotection of Reactions of Sugars and Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds from Sugars, Design and Synthesis of Sialyltransferase Inhibitors,NiuYouHong/Lanzhou University,0/240
- Investigation of the Mechanism in Collisions of Partially Stripped Ions with Helium Atom,GaoZhiMin/Lanzhou University,0/26
- Investigation of Single-electron Transfer Processes in Collisions of Cq+ (q=1-4)、Oq+ (q=1-3) and He、Ne、Ar,LiuHuiPing/Lanzhou University,0/26
- Investigation of X-ray Emission in the Interaction of Slow Highly Charged Ions with Solid Surface,DuJuan/Lanzhou University,0/65
- Study and Application of Derivatization Reactions for Capillary Electrophoresis,ZhouLei/Lanzhou University,1/314
- The Holocene Climate and Environment Changes in the Mongolian Plateau,DiXinWei/Lanzhou University,3/472
- The Relationship between Strontium Isotope and Environment Variation in Paleo-lake Sediments during Late Period of Late Pleistocene in Western China,ChangFengQin/Lanzhou University,0/355
- Structure and Magnetic Properties of the Antidot Arrays Film,JiangChangJun/Lanzhou University,0/123
- Magnetic Properties of Materials Induced by Impurities and Vacancies from First Principles,SiMingSu/Lanzhou University,0/261
- Research on Arrays of Magnetic Nano-materials,ZuoZhongJie/Lanzhou University,3/384
- Synthesis and Performance Study of Spinel Mn-Zn Ferrite Thin Films for High Frequency Applications,SunJianRong/Lanzhou University,6/456
- Study on the Protein Imprinted Molecularly Core-Shell Microspheres,ZuoChangLing/Lanzhou University,2/840
- Responses of Neuronal Systems on Complex Network to Stimuli,ChangWenLi/Lanzhou University,1/255
- A Brief Theory of the Artistic Conception of Chinese Prose in the 20th Century,XinXiaoLing/Lanzhou University,6/785
- A Modern Writing of the "Field of Life and Death"-Reevaluation of Xiao Hong,LiXiangHui/Lanzhou University,4/1439
- Study on Interaction of Active Components in Chinese Traditional Medicines with Human Serum Albumin,LiYing/Lanzhou University,3/1016
- Study and Application of Chiral Separation by Capillary Electrophoresis,WangZhaoYan/Lanzhou University,0/659
- Study and Applications of High Sensitive Analysis Methods with Capillary Electrophoresis,WangWeiPing/Lanzhou University,1/485
- Asymmetric Synthesis of β-substituted-α, γ-diamino Acids and Pyrrolidine Derivatives Containing Multichiral Centers,HuangYan/Lanzhou University,0/183
- A Study on Guhya-yana in Dunhuang during the Tibetan Occupation,ZhaoXiaoXing/Lanzhou University,6/571
- The Research of Dunhuang Confucian Literature,HanFeng/Lanzhou University,3/468
- The Mongolian Documents from the Northern Area of Dunhuang’s Mogao Caves,AoTeGen/Lanzhou University,0/255
- Study and Application of Novel Method on Deteramination of Active Compound in Herbal Medicine by Flow Injection-Capillary Electrophoresis,LiuLiHong/Lanzhou University,1/118
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents from Three Compositae and One Labiatae Species and Their Bioactivities,GaoXue/Lanzhou University,2/292
- Clinical Study of Diabetic Stroke,ZhangXuDong/Lanzhou University,1/276
- Structural Modification of Phenolic Antioxidants and Their Mechanisms of Prooxidant Effects,ZhengLiFang/Lanzhou University,1/360
- Studies on the Asymmetric Total Syntheses of the Natural Product Tuxpanolide and Several Insect Pheromones,ZhangChaoXin/Lanzhou University,0/237
- Study and Application on New Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography Method,WangShuMin/Lanzhou University,0/394
- The Synthesis of 1, 2, 3-Triazoles and Carbonylation Coupling Reaction Catalyzed by Pd,YangDong/Lanzhou University,0/251
- Studies Toward Synthesis of Cephalotaxine and Construction of Stenine Skeleton,WangXinWei/Lanzhou University,0/193
- Synthesis and Characterization of Luminescent Terbium(Ⅲ) Complexes and Application of Their Fluorescence System in Solution,DangFangFang/Lanzhou University,0/351
- Study on the Critical Phenomena of Multicomponent Liquid Mixtures,XiangYongSheng/Lanzhou University,0/69
- Total Synthesis of Quinone and Hydroquinone and Study of 3-substate γ-methylbutenolides and 3-substate γ-hydroxymethylbutenolides,LiChunHong/Lanzhou University,0/220
- Zwitterions in Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-Heteroatom Bond-Forming Reactions,FanMingJin/Lanzhou University,0/130
- Studies on Synthesis, Characterization and Luminescence Properties of Rare Earth Complexes with Multi-Amide Ligands,WangZuo/Lanzhou University,1/453
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