
About 29 item dissertation in line with Neuron specific enolase (NSE) query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.085 seconds)

  1. The Relationship between Acute Anterior Circulation Infarction Onset and Severity of the Initial Levels of Serum NSE,DanMin/Taishan Medical College,0/27
  2. To Investigate Express and Changes of Nervous Function on Cer-ebral Infarction Area, Apoptosis Regulatory Porteins, TNF-α、GFAP、BDNF Nestin and NSE after Cerebral Infarction in Rats,CaoJinJuan/Nanchang University Medical College,0/79
  3. Study on IFN-γ、CRP、NSE in Cerebrospinal Fluid with Central Nervous System Infection,LiuChunHong/Ningxia Medical University,0/52
  4. Correlation between Serum NSE Level and the Prognosis of Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy,SunYuMei/Dalian Medical University,0/6
  5. The Expression of Neuron-specific Enolase (NSE) and S-100in Constipation Patients with Spastic Colon,JiaoZuoLiang/Hebei Medical University,0/2
  6. The Study on the Detection of CEA and Other Tumor Markers(ProGRP、CYFRA21-1, et al) Combined in the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer,LiuChangFei/Chengde Medical College,0/1
  7. Research on Clinical Assessment, Biochemical Markers and Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Analysis of Patients with SCA3/MJD,ZhouJie/Central South University,0/86
  8. Five Cases of Patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Literature Review,LvYuan/Shandong University,0/32
  9. The Assessed Value of Neuron Specific Enolase in Brain Injury with Viral Encephalitis,LiYuJing/Hebei Medical University,0/53
  10. The Protective Effect of Dexmedetomidine against Cerebral Ischemic Injury of Patients Undergoing Cardiac Valve Replacement Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass,ZhouHongMei/Zhejiang University,0/94
  11. Empirical Study of Influence of NSE、EAA、BDNF in Cerebral Hemorrhage Rat by "Baihui"-"Qubin" Sculpacupanction,ZhaoJiaHui/Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,1/152
  12. The refreshing health capsule on experimental cerebral hemorrhage in the acute phase of brain tissue and plasma Nse , S100B protein levels and mRNA,ZhangZhiQiang/Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/231
  13. Research on Correlated Factors of Preclinical and Clinical Medicine in Schizophrenia Patients,LiShuYing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/306
  14. The Concentration of Neuron-specific Enolase and S-100β Protein in Blood Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients with Herpes Simplex Encephalitis and Its Clinical Significance,LiMin/Shandong University,0/66
  15. Dynamic Changes and Clinical Significance of Tumor Nerosis Factor-alpha (TNF-a) and Neuron-specific Enolase (NSE) in Serum of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalpathy,WangXu/Jilin University,0/82
  16. Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on the Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy of Neonates and the Changes of Plasma NSE, MDA,WangJiaRong/Chongqing Medical University,0/70
  17. A Clinical Study on Cerebral Injury during Intracardic Procedures On-pump Beating Heart Compared with That on Arrested Heart,WangYong/Third Military Medical University,0/69
  18. The Study on the Changes of NSE、S-100β、MBP Levels and Significance in Kainite Induced Temporal Epilepsy Rat,GuQin/Suzhou University,0/55
  19. Discussion on the Combining Testing of Serum Levels of M2-PK, CA125, CYFRA21-1, NSE, TSGF for the Clinical Value in Lung Carcinoma Diagnosis,ZhangXiaoHong/Zhengzhou University,0/131
  20. Acute Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage Clinical Paired Observation and Serum NSE Correlativity Study with Scalp-Acupoint Penetrating Acupuncture Therapy,ZhangShuYuan/Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/79
  21. A Pilot Investigation of the Mechanism in Multiple Myeloma Bone Disease,GaoWei/Kunming Medical College,0/98
  22. Correlation between Serum NSE Level, NBNA Score and Clinical Manifestation in Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy,ZhangJingHui/Shandong University,0/129
  23. Clinical Diagnostic Value of CT Scan and NSE Determination for SCLC,LingYingYing/Shanxi Medical,0/58
  24. Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor Protects Sepsis and Septic Acute Cognitive Impairment in Rats,ZhengLiNa/Fourth Military Medical University,0/72
  25. Clinical Study of Local Moderate Hypothermia on the Patients with Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage,ZhengKunMu/Fujian Medical,0/53
  26. Study on the Content Changes of Neuron Specific Enolase in the Patients with Hemorrhagic Stroke,RenBin/Shanxi Medical,0/43
  27. Edaravone in patients with severe traumatic brain injury serum neuron -specific enolase and S100B protein concentration of,YinHuaJin/Luzhou Medical College,0/72
  28. Influence of Poxue Stasis, Diarrhea Fever Stasis Method on NSE Serum Levels and TNF-α of Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rats,GaoYingChun/Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/42
  29. Chronic Cerebral Circulation Insufficiency and Brain Tissue Damage and Associated Cognitive Impairment,DaiGuiQiang/Taishan Medical College,0/73

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