
About 5 item dissertation in line with SAFER query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.045 seconds)

  1. The Design Strategy of Reactors for Energetic Materials Synthesis and Its Application,ZhangBenHe/Zhejiang University,0/2
  2. Non-homomorphic Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced-Round Versions of the SAFER Block Cipher Family,BiPengFei/Shandong University,0/7
  3. Security analysis of group key agreement in dynamic peer-to-peer network , and packet encryption algorithm Safer,ZhengShiHui/Shandong University,0/241
  4. On the Design and Security Analysis of Block Ciphers,HuYuZuo/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,17/541
  5. Implementation of Bluetooth Authentication Algorithm Based on RNS,YeChun/Jiangnan University,2/59

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