
About 28 item dissertation in line with Shadow price query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.062 seconds)

  1. Study on the Shadow Price of Carbon Emissions in China,DuQingYan/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/144
  2. Analysis of Water Pollution Economic Loss for Hanjiang River in Xiangyang Section and Water Resources Protection Countermeasures,ZhangHuanChu/Chang'an University,0/31
  3. Research to a Two-stage Optimization Method for Domestic Air Express Operation,ZhangWangZuo/Tsinghua University,0/78
  4. Study on Shadow Pricing Based Charge Rate Scheme for Urban Wastewater Treatment Upgrading,ZhouQuan/Chinese Academy of Environmental Science,0/152
  5. Empirical Study on Shadow Pricing of Environmental Pollutants from Coal Mining Industry,TaoJianGuo/Hefei University of Technology,0/1
  6. Research on Forest Carbon Sink Shadow Price Based on Energy Ecological Footprint,HuaZhiQin/Nanjing Forestry University,0/16
  7. Study on the Shadow Price of CO2Emissions of Industrial Sectors of Gansu Province,ZhaoHaiTao/Lanzhou University,1/123
  8. Environmental Technical Efficiency and Estimating Shadow Pricing of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in the Thermal Power Industry in China,QianQuan/Jinan University,0/10
  9. Applied Research of National Economic Evaluation of Road Construction Projects,LinJing/Chang'an University,0/44
  10. Study on Pricing Model of Initial Emission Permits,ZhaoZuoYan/Jilin University,0/89
  11. Research on the Initial Pricing of Carbon Emission Permits of Shenzhen Industry,LiZuo/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/0
  12. A Study on the Performance and Shadow Price of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Based on Stochastic Frontier Analysis,WangSiSi/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/138
  13. Geometric Intersection Method for Solving Environmental Economic Equilibrium,WuTieRu/Jilin University,0/263
  14. Evaluation Methods and Statistical Properties of Environmental Efficiency,SongMaLin/University of Science and Technology of China,0/226
  15. Research of Forecasting and Evaluating Hydropower Value in the Electricity Market,LiQiuJun/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/213
  16. Research on Airline Network Seat Inventory Control Method,DongPeiJun/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,4/246
  17. 1xEV-DO wireless resource allocation algorithm,ZhaoXiaoJiang/Zhejiang University of Technology,1/86
  18. Method and Parameter Research on National Economic Evaluation for Urban Rail Transit Items,LiWei/Southwest Jiaotong University,7/717
  19. Shadow Price Analysis of the Ten the Bid Section Projects of Beijing Subway No.10 Line,XiaoMingJuan/Southwest Jiaotong University,5/294
  20. The Discussion between the New Model of Linear Programming and the Shadow Price,HeYuPing/Central China Normal University,0/296
  21. Price-based Congestion Control Algorithms,ZuoYouBiao/Guangxi Normal University,1/128
  22. Research and Analysis with Case on National Economic Evaluation for West Railway Construction Item,JiaLiLi/Southwest Jiaotong University,5/396
  23. The Applications of Linear Constraint Programming Theory in Enterprise Management,LiuZuo/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/350
  24. Dynamic Spectrum Allocation Based on Interference Temperature,PangShaoMing/Harbin Institute of Technology,1/261
  25. The Research on Theory and Method of the National Economic Evaluation for Power Project,GaoRui/North China Electric Power University (Beijing),0/149
  26. Research on Crucial Parameter of National Economic Evaluation for Expressway Construction Project,LiYunLong/Changsha University of Science and Technology,3/217
  27. Research on the Application of Shadow Price in Environmental Assessment of Project,YangDong/Donghua University,0/126
  28. Cover Construction Projects Economic Evaluation of Mineral Resources,XieJiaChun/Kunming University of Science and Technology,2/89

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