About 4742 item dissertation in line with Support Vector Machine query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.016 seconds)
- Study on green credit rating model of commercial banks based on support vector machine,LiZuo/Central South University,0/28
- The Risk Pre-warning Research of Commercial Bank That Based on SVM Method,SuLiuLiu/Shijiazhuang University of Economics,0/5
- A Study of the Dollar Index Forecast Based on the SVM Theory,YeMengLan/Zhejiang University,0/15
- Research and Implementation of Financial Crisis Early Warning for SMEs Listed Companies in China,LiuYan/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/182
- Research on Internal Control Quality Evaluation and Its Early-warning Function to Financial Fraud,ChenSha/Hunan University,0/63
- Research on the Delisting Risk Warning Methods of Listed Companies Based on SVM,PanYangDi/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/17
- The Research on FMCG Listed Companies’ Financial Distress Prediction,CaiLiJun/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/2
- The Study of Cooperation Innovation Partners Trust Evaluation Based on Knowledge Transfer,CuiShuangShuang/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/33
- Research on Current Situation and Development Countermeasures of Modern Logistics Industry in Jilin Province,DongAiHui/Jilin University,0/152
- The Financial Forewarning Analysis of Manufacturing Industry Listed Company Based on SVM,ChenZuo/Changsha University of Science and Technology,0/14
- The Research in Risk Measurement and Warning System of Commercial Bank of China,LiMin/Hunan University,0/50
- A Study of SVM-based Financial Risk Early-warning Model for China Listed SMEs,ZhuXiaoYan/Shanghai International Studies University,0/353
- Research on Uncertain Event Prediction Based on SVM,YangLiGuo/Northeastern University,0/4
- Design and Realization of Remote ECG Monitoring Platform Based on ARM,ZuoChenWei/Central South University,0/18
- On Wet Film Thickness Measurement System in the Cold Rolled Galvanizing Based on EMD and SVM Algorithm,ChangMing/Wuhan University of Science and Technology,0/10
- The Modeling of Driving System for Lower Limb Rehabilitation Training Device,LiuTong/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/0
- Reaserch of Robotic Control Based on Motor Imagery EEG,ManHaiTao/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/4
- The Research of the Eddy Current Sensor Based on the Multiple Regression and Support Vector Machine (SVM),LiRuFa/Donghua University,0/27
- The Research of Fault Diagnosis for Electric Actuator Base on PCA and LS-SVM,ZhouShi/Northeastern University,0/6
- Modeling and Optimization for the Fermentation Process of Penicillin,ZhangZhongYing/Northeastern University,0/7
- Research of Online Learning Algorithms Based on Support Vector Machine,LiuJian/Zhejiang University,0/11
- Research on Consumer Behavior of Health Products Based on Support Vector Machine,GuoWei/Anhui University of Technology,0/20
- Environment Data Analysis and Processing Based on Support Vector Machine,WuLei/Central South University,0/23
- The Research about the Relationship of Classification and Regression of the Support Vector Machines,GuoZuo/Liaoning Normal University,0/37
- Research of Financial Distress Prediction Model Based on Rough Sets and Support Vector Machines,LiWei/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/42
- Research of the Method of Adjustable Entropy Function of SVM,XuJianQiong/Sichuan Normal University,0/6
- Method of Structural Characteristic Parameter Preprocessing Based on SVM,ChenZhongJie/Southwest University of Science and Technology,0/19
- Feature Extraction and Classification Methods for Imbalanced and Small Sample Datasets,TaoCunGui/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/88
- Application of support vector machine for high dimensional data.,ZhengHaiHua/Jiangxi University of Technology,0/37
- Data Domain Description and Sample Reduction Research on Large-scale Datasets,WangXing/Wuhan University of Science and Technology,0/11
- The Problems Studied Based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) Method of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise for Credit Rating,ChenWei/Anhui University of Finance,0/37
- A Study of Wavelet Support Vector Machine Theory and Its Applications in Forecasting Financial Index,LiuZuo/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/29
- Application of Support Vector Machine with Genetic Algorithm in the Air Quality Assessment,LiuZuo/Dongbei University of Finance,0/6
- Research and Application on SVM Kernel Parameters Optimization,YangHai/Zhejiang University,0/30
- Research about Integrated Classification of Online Learning,BianGuiLong/Zhejiang University,0/13
- Research of Distributed Support Vector Machine (SVM) Based on Hadoop Cloud Platform,NiuKe/Shanxi Normal University,0/27
- Support Vector Machine Based on Rough Set and Multi-granulations,BaoWenYing/Bohai University,0/2
- A Study of the Credit Risk of Commercial Bank Based on the SVM Modl,ZhangQing/Zhejiang University,0/13
- Research on Multi-view Learning for Web Spam Detection,GaoShuang/Shandong Normal University,0/3
- Incremental Method Research to Intrusion Detection Based on Rough Set and SVM,ZhangYongJun/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/27
- The Research on Intrusion Detection Based on Support Vector Machine,HeQiBei/Northeast Normal University,0/21
- The Design and Implementation of Text Classification System Based on SVM-KNN,WangLuYang/Northeastern University,0/10
- Design and Implement of a Negative IWON Identification System for Automotive Industry,HuangYaZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/6
- Research of Classification Display Technology in Search Engine,ZhengJia/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/8
- Information Automatic Extraction and Analysis Approach on Financial Sector,MaJingJing/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/18
- Acrost: a Topic Self-adaptive Academic Conference Retrieval System,SunZheng/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/4
- Design and Implementation of IWOM Analysis System Based on Web Text Mining,TangZhuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/16
- Design and Implementation of the Technical Text Categorization System,LiuJiCai/Henan University of Technology,0/10
- Research on Feature Extraction and Ensemble Detection Approaches for Recommendation Attacks in Collaborative Filtering,ZhouQuanQiang/Yanshan University,0/10
- The Research and Application in the Stock Market News of Feature Selection and SVM Algorithm,WenChunLin/Anhui University,0/0
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