
About 7 item dissertation in line with The intelligence community query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.021 seconds)

  1. The Research on the Technology of Digital Home Terminal Multi-access Digital Services,LiHao/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/69
  2. Study on the Intelligent Residence Community Based on the Internet of Things,YangXiaoJin/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/326
  3. The evolution of the origin and functions of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ( 1947-1991 ),LiangZhi/East China Normal University,0/360
  4. Within the U.S. government about the transformation of the Central Intelligence Agency of the dispute ( September 1944 , January 1946 ),LianLi/Northeast Normal University,0/152
  5. The transformation of the U.S. intelligence system ( 2001-2009 ) : Prospects and Challenges,ChenLiang/Shanghai Institute of International Studies,0/435
  6. The Analysis and Design of Residence Community Property Management System,ZhaoYu/Shandong University,1/862
  7. Analysis of Intelligence Community’s Operating Mode,YuanSiYuan/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/170

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