
About 3071 item dissertation in line with chaos query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.039 seconds)

  1. Research on the Investment Decision of Chinese Financial Market Based on Chaos Theory,HuangTengFei/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/94
  2. A Study of Evolution and Implementation of Strategic Synergy for Adaptive Enterprise Based on Chaos,QiXiuHui/Harbin Engineering University,0/92
  3. Complexity Analysis and Chaos Control for the Oligopoly Price Game Model Based on Time-delay Decision,WuKeFei/Tianjin University,0/6
  4. Research on Game Model and Application of Recycling and Pricing Strategy in a Closed-loop Supply Chain,GuoYueHong/Tianjin University,0/28
  5. An Empirical Analysis of Chinese Stock Market Crash Critical Time Based on Log-periodic Power Law,HongBo/Dongbei University of Finance,0/5
  6. Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm and Its Application in Parameters Tuning of Controller,ZhaoFangFang/Hunan University,0/1
  7. Research on Prediction Model of Chaotic Time Series,WangShangKun/Anhui Agricultural University,0/79
  8. The Application of an Improved Artificial Fish Swarm Optimization Algorithm to the Real Submersible Path-planning,LvZhongYang/Harbin Engineering University,0/41
  9. Research and Application of An Improved Chaos Immune Algorithm in Job-Shop Scheduling Problem,WangMinYi/Dalian Jiaotong University,0/4
  10. Characteristics and Chaos Control of Neural Networks Using Globally Coupled Map,WangTao/Harbin Engineering University,0/6
  11. Decoupled Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Algorithm,LiZheMing/Guangxi University of Science and Technology,0/12
  12. Research on analysis and control for a class of chaotic systems,WangTing/Jiangxi University of Technology,0/15
  13. Active Disturbance Rejiection Controller’s Research and Its Application,JiaYaFei/Yanshan University,0/7
  14. The Optimization of Worm Chaotic Dynamic Propagation Model Base on Quarantine and the Study on the Cost Optimizing Control,LiQiaoJun/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/2
  15. Research on Risk Management of Software Project Based on Chaos Theory,MaShaoMei/Hebei University of Science and Technology,0/4
  16. Research of Multimedia Information Hiding Technology Based on Chaos,WangXueFeng/Northeastern University,0/0
  17. Research of Image Digital Watermarking Based on Fractional Fourier Transform,LiuChangYong/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/66
  18. Research on Image Encryption Method Based on Chaos and Fractional Fourier Transform,SongJunHong/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/40
  19. Based on the Theory of Chaos Encryption Algorithm,HuangGe/Central South University,0/7
  20. The Research and FPGA Implementation of Data Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaos Sequences,LiJie/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/18
  21. Research on Double Image Optical Encryption in the Fractional Fourier-domain,ChangJie/Harbin Engineering University,0/37
  22. An Encryption Algorithm for Medical Image Based on Multiple Chaos Systems,HuangWeiZuo/Central South University,0/13
  23. Color Image Encryption Based on Gyrator Transform and DNA Computing,LiuChenZuo/East China University of Science and Technology,0/1
  24. Research on Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on DWT and Chaotic Theory,LiHao/Zhejiang University,0/91
  25. The Study of HF Radar Waves Echo Characteristics Based on Chaos Theory,YiChunLei/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/22
  26. Research on Algorithm of quantum genetic algorithm and the chaotic particle swarm optimization of node localization in wireless sensor network based on,ZengJing/Jiangxi University of Technology,0/78
  27. Research of Energy-Efficient Link Layer Security Policy for Wireless Sensor Network,ZhuJunJie/Donghua University,0/36
  28. Research and Implementation of Chaos-based Video Encryption Algorithm for H.264,BaiGuoTao/Northeastern University,0/9
  29. Research on H.264Video Encryption Algorithm,ZhangJiaZuo/Northeastern University,0/6
  30. Research on Digital Voice Trunking Encryption System Based on Wireless Ultrashort Wave,WangYanLi/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/2
  31. Digital Image Encryption Based on GPGPU,WenWanLi/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/1
  32. The Realization of the Voice Encryption Algorithm Based on DSP,WuDong/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/3
  33. Research of the Spread Spectrum Communication System Based on the Chaotic Sequence,HanXiaoJuan/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/66
  34. Study Methods of the Chaotic Detection of Weak Signal in the Power Line Carrier Communication,PanGuangXiu/Chang'an University,0/8
  35. (Research on Technology of Chinese Speech Coding Based on Nonlinear Theory),ZuoAiNa/Central South University,0/52
  36. Research of Audio Watermarking Algorithm Based on Complex Cepstrum Transform,ChenMing/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/2
  37. Research on Low Signal to Noise Ratio Signal Waveform Recovery Based on Chaos Theory,LiLin/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/23
  38. Research on Weak BPSK Signal Detection Based on Chaos Theory,XuLiZhen/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/36
  39. Detect and Extract Weak Signal Embedden in Chaos Background,GaoFei/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/1
  40. Network Sports News Supervision of Public Opinion Research,ZhangYongGang/Hunan University,0/8
  41. An Analysis of Wang Shuo's Portraval of the Chinese Society in a Transitional and Chaotic Period,NiKe(Cocos Nicolae)/Zhejiang University,0/40
  42. The Self-confinement of a Perfectionist,ZhuangYu/Southwestern University,0/11
  43. The Renascence in Purgatory,MaLi/Central China Normal University,0/2
  44. Strongly Non-linear Dynamics Research for Quad Iced Bundle Conductors,LiuFuHao/Tianjin University,0/17
  45. Reactive Power Optimization of Distribution Network Based on Modified Chaos Genetic Algorithm,ZhanMengMeng/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/4
  46. Analysis of Static Voltage Stability Characteristics and Optimal Allocation of FACTS for AC/DC Hybrid Power System,HuYanMei/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/55
  47. Modeling of Wind Turbines of Integration Type and Its Networked Control Method Research,QiuYue/Northeastern University,0/6
  48. Research of Chaos Phenomenon in photovoltaic System,LiJin/Tianjin University of Technology,0/4
  49. Research of Chaotic Dynamics Behavior in Wind Power System,LiuZuoFang/Tianjin University of Technology,0/4
  50. Research on the Synchronization Control and Analysis of Chaos for the DC/DC Converters in the Controllable Excitation Power,LiuYanJu/Northeastern University,0/3

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