
About 1522 item dissertation in line with consistency query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.015 seconds)

  1. Study of Group Decision Making Theory and Methods Based on Fuzzy Number Preference Relations with Consistency,LiuFang/South China University of Technology,0/95
  2. Effects of Consumer Identity to Brand Purchase Intention,ZhangZhuo/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/7
  3. Enterprise the Highest Political Level and the Execution Level Cultural Cognitive Consistency Research,ZuoQingCheng/Guangxi University,0/25
  4. Transparent Control Based on Constraints Consistency,WangYanQing/Zhejiang University,0/0
  5. Research on Consistency of EKF-SLAM for Indoor Mobile Robot,WeiShaoQing/Hebei University of Science and Technology,0/36
  6. Research on Information Fusion and Consistency Measure Facing Complex Large Group of Service Objects,DingJianMei/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/15
  7. Stability Bounds for Mixing Sequences,DongXiaoYan/Hubei University,0/1
  8. The Study of Estimation Problems for Stochastic Systems,ZuoXiu/Donghua University,0/68
  9. The Application of Load Balance for E-business Website,JieZhen/Tianjin University,0/1
  10. Study on Trust Constraint-based Access Control Model in Open Environment,GuoDeBiao/Hunan University,0/19
  11. The Research on WAN Distributed Storage Technologies Based on P2P Architecture,YangLei/Hunan University,0/14
  12. Data Consistency Research in P2P Environment,PengYang/Central South University,0/9
  13. Consistent View Mapping of Large-scale Ontology Based on Inconsistency Check,LiuRuiGuang/Tianjin University,0/2
  14. Research on Self-Adaptive Ontology Mapping Algorithm Based Multi-Strategy,WuJianJiang/Central South University,0/3
  15. Study on Spline Curves and Surfaces in CAD/CAE,XiongYunYang/Zhejiang University,0/17
  16. Research on Real-time Rendering of Multi-resolution Terrain Features,WangYuHui/National University of Defense Science and Technology,0/12
  17. The Image Segmentattion Method Research Based on Visual Significance and C-V Level Set Model,LiNa/Hebei University of Technology,0/24
  18. The Research of Image Splicing Technology Based on Fish-eye,LiCui/Tianjin University of Technology,0/8
  19. The Research of Image De-noising and Fusion Algorithms Based on Wavelet Transform,ChenXuJun/Wuhan University of Technology,0/20
  20. Representative Image Selection in Large-scale Image Dataset,ZhuJunJun/Hefei University of Technology,0/17
  21. Study of Limited-View CBCT Reconstruction,MaXueYun/Tianjin University,0/5
  22. Study on Intelligent Method for Color White Blood Cell Image Segmentation,XiongHouJin/Nanchang University of Aeronautics and,0/38
  23. Video Copy Detection Based on the Expression of Spatiotemporal Information,TangHaiPing/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/20
  24. The Research of Multi-energy X-ray Image Stack Fusion Algorithm,WeiJiaoTong/University of North,0/3
  25. Research on Transaction Processing in Broadcast Environment,WangXiaoRong/Central South University for Nationalities,0/1
  26. Replica Consistency Management Stratege of Metadata Cluster for Key-value Stores,FanLiHeng/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/2
  27. Journal Design and Implementation of Cappella Distributed File System,XiaoFei/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/3
  28. Research on Extension of Description Logic ALCN and ALCQ,YinJun/Central South University,0/9
  29. The Design and Implementation of Bank Performance Assessment System,ZhangShiJun/Hunan University,0/28
  30. The Design and Realization of the Accept,Billing,Network Information Audit System,WangHaiZuo/Lanzhou University,0/9
  31. The Design and Implementation of a Distributed Database Project Management System for Communications Engineering Design,SuHanHui/South China University of Technology,0/17
  32. Implementation of behavior consistency analysis and the prototype system of software services,ZhangWenJia/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/6
  33. Research on Some Issues in Requirements Engineering,LiuHuaTa/Jilin University,0/101
  34. Research on Distributed Lock Technology,ChenWenWu/South China University of Technology,0/19
  35. Design of a Highly Reliable Financial Transaction Matching System with High Performance,SunChangZuo/Zhejiang University,0/24
  36. Migrating An OSGi Legacy Project to the Cloud,WangWei/Zhejiang University,0/2
  37. Opinions Integrated Algorithm Research of HWME for Disaster System,CaiSuDan/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/11
  38. Research on the Method of Credible Web Service Composition Based on Petri Net,HaoWenJun/Anhui University of Technology,0/8
  39. Analysis and Application of Interactive Behavior Based on Behavioral Profiles of Petri Net,WangZuoZuo/Anhui University of Technology,0/2
  40. The Implementation of Data Migration Mechanism for Hierarchical Storage,XuQiongYao/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/13
  41. Research of Availability and Consistency of Distribute Storage System,SunJianLiang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/15
  42. Researches of Web Client Persistent Cache Technology in Mobile Environment,WangYanPing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/8
  43. Research on the Data Privacy and Consistency Technologies in Online Storage System,ShiYanBo/Liaoning Normal University,0/14
  44. The Design and Realization of a Distribute System to Store Lots of Small Files,LiuBoZuo/Hunan University,0/51
  45. A Large-Scale Data Object Storage System Based on Master-Slave Architecture,YiGuoLei/Tsinghua University,0/10
  46. Strategy of replica selection and consistency maintenance cloud storage environment,LouChao/Shandong Normal University,0/4
  47. The Research on Color Consistency of LED Bacldight LCD TV,LiWei/Shandong University,0/42
  48. The Method and Implementation of Conformity Assessment of Audio and Video Information Based on Specific Pronunciation Unit,YeWanLing/South China University of Technology,0/2
  49. Based-on Visual Perception of Color Adjust Technique in the Video Wall System Research and Implementation,YangChunXia/South China University of Technology,0/8
  50. The Design and Implementation of the Comprehensive Evaluation System of College Students' Quality,ZhengXiLong/Yanshan University,0/42

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