
About 72 item dissertation in line with donors query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.078 seconds)

  1. Developing Countries’ Foreign Aid and the Future Prospects,TangLuPing/Xiamen University,0/11
  2. The Study of Correlation between Elevated ALT and the Non-pathological Factors among Voluntary Blood Donors,ZhangZuo/Xinjiang Medical University,0/30
  3. Characteristics Analysis on Unqualified People with Blood Test among Voluntory Blood Donors in Yiyang City, Hunan, during2009-2011,LiTianGuan/Central South University,0/28
  4. New Types of Titanium Catalysts for Polymerization of Alkenes,WangLiang/Nankai University,0/22
  5. Study on High Crystallinity Polypropene,ZhangYuZuo/Lanzhou Jiaotong University,0/101
  6. Synthesis and Properties of Organic Electron Donors with Pyridine Group,HeYanJun/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/13
  7. Bioremediation of Perchlorate and Mixed Contamination of Perchlorate, Nitrate-nitrogen and Ammonia-nitrogen,XieYuXuan/Chinese Geology University (Beijing),0/1
  8. On the Perfection of the Human Organ Donation and Transplantation Law of China,LiuQing/Southwest University of Political Science,0/65
  9. Social Support and Quality of Life of PLWHA,WuDan/Wuhan University,0/195
  10. Research on Biological Properties of Umbilical Cord Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Based on Cell Banking for Clinical Use,FengChangJiang/Southern Medical University,,0/68
  11. Protective Effect and Mechanism of Cordyceps Artificial Compound on Renal Tissue in Non-heart-beating Donors Rats,DaiChen/Xinjiang Medical University,0/29
  12. The Correlation of HCV Genotypes and Viral Loads among Volunteer Blood Donors in Guangzhou,LiaoQiao/Chongqing Medical University,0/54
  13. The Influence of the Current Blood Management Institution on Blood Donors Behavior,ChenQiang/Yunnan University,0/22
  14. Organic Small Molecular Donors: Design, Synthesis and Photovoltaic Performance,HuZuo/Wuhan Institute of Technology,0/4
  15. Biochemical Mechanisms of Pentaehloronhenol Reductive Degradation Stimulated by Organic Carbon Sources in the Soil,LiuYong/Zhejiang University,0/5
  16. Syntheses, Structures and Properties of Coordination Polymers Constructed by the Flexible Tripodal N-heterocyclic Ligand, Aromatic Carboxylic Acids and Transition Metals,LiuYanHua/Zhengzhou University,0/4
  17. Synthesis and Properties of Polythiophene Derivatives with Elcctron-drawing Groups in the Side Chains,CuiGuangRui/Northeast Normal University,0/25
  18. Design and Sythesis of Novel Donor-Acceptor Conjugated Polymers for Organic Photovoltaic Solar Cells,HuChao/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/419
  19. The Study of the Dressing Culture of Uighur,ShenYan/Donghua University,4/652
  20. Clinical and Experimental Study of Modulating Venous Pressure during Liver Transplantaion,FengZhiYing/Zhejiang University,0/91
  21. Studies on Genetic Diversity of Gossypium and Interspecific Hybridization among Four Cultivated Cotton Species,WuYuXiang/Zhejiang University,2/275
  22. Silicon, carbon , nitrogen, oxygen and their interactions,LiuPeiDong/Zhejiang University,2/356
  23. Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of Oxygen Precipitation and Induced Defects in Czochralski Silicon,XuJin/Zhejiang University,1/617
  24. Tolerance Limits of Liver Grafts to Warm and Cold Ischemia from Non-heart-beating Donors in Swine,QingDeKe/Third Military Medical University,0/70
  25. Athens charity donors System,ShenYang/Fudan University,0/168
  26. Slide Platelet Quick Clotting Test and Its Application,OuYangXiLin/PLA Postgraduate Medical School,0/82
  27. Epidemiology Study for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in Hubei Province,XuZuoHua/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,1/437
  28. Maiji Mountain Caves initial investigation and research,WeiWenBin/Lanzhou University,2/651
  29. Protection of Modified HTK Solution BCP for NHBD Pig Heart,WangLin/Central South University,0/15
  30. Pathogenesis Research on Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) of Xinjiang and Epidemiology Study in Blood Donors,WangXing/Xinjiang Medical University,0/80
  31. Study of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Systems and Their Application in Homogeneouse Immunoassays,HuShan/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/175
  32. "Window Period" HCV Infection in the Seronegative Blood Donors in China,YangZhen/Peking Union Medical College , China,0/91
  33. An Ambispective Cohort Study on the Natural History of HIV Infection among Former Commercial Plasma Donors,LiDongMin/Disease Control and Prevention Center,1/134
  34. Study on Identification of HIV and New Approaches to Test in Blood Donors,FengShuangLi/PLA Military Academy of Medical Sciences,0/106
  35. The Impact Factors of Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Mobilization of Normal Donors,ZhangZuoYi/PLA Military Academy of Medical Sciences,0/58
  36. The Natural History of HIV Infection in Former Blood Donors in Fuyang of Anhui Province, China,ZhangYanMin/Suzhou University,0/70
  37. The Study of Protective Effects of Treatment with Ulinastatin on Ischemia-reperfusion Injury during Rabbit Non-heart-beating Donors Lung Transplantation,TanZhenDong/Suzhou University,0/55
  38. MMP-9 role in tumor invasion and metastasis , and chronic myelogenous leukemia bone marrow stromal hematopoietic stem cell adhesion mechanisms,LiuHuiYing/Peking Union Medical College , China,0/65
  39. Studies on Photoelectrical Catalytic Hydrogen Generation of CdS/TiO2 Nanotubes,ZhangJianLing/Zhejiang University,0/298
  40. Research of Preparation of the High Performance PTC Powder with Wet Chemical Method,ZhangChen/Hebei Institute of Technology,0/81
  41. Study on Psychological Intervention in Paid Blood Donors Infected with HIV,FangGuiXia/Anhui Medical University,,0/106
  42. A Study on the Awareness of Non-remunerated Blood Donation from School Students and Soldiers in Changsha City,PengZuo/Central South University,0/195
  43. Effects of Addition of Different Donors on Iron Reduction in the Paddy Soils,SunLiRong/Northwest University of Science and Technology,3/182
  44. The Investigation of Infection of Herpesvirus Type 6 and Herpesvirus Type 7 in Blood Donors,YuZuo/Qingdao University,0/29
  45. Effect of High Temperature Hydrogen Annealing on Oxygen Behavior in Czochralski Silicon,LiJinGang/Zhejiang University,0/109
  46. Risk and Strategy of Transfusion-related Virus Infection in Urumqi,WenGuoXin/Xinjiang Medical University,1/102
  47. Experiment Research of Time Limits of Tolerance to Warm Ischemia of Liver Grafts from Non-Heart-Beating Donor in Pigs,WangHaiTao/Shanxi Medical,0/26
  48. Study on the BaTiO3-based High-temperature PTC,ZhongHaiBo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,3/431
  49. Gene expression and epidemiological study of the human herpes virus 8 ( HHV - 8 ),ZhangXinSheng/Shandong University,0/67
  50. Multislice Spiral CT Celiac Angiography and Its Clinical Applications,ChenWenHua/Nanjing Medical University,0/65

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