
About 142 item dissertation in line with packet scheduling query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.094 seconds)

  1. Packet Scheduling Algorithms in Femtocell and LTE Network System,ZuoYouWei/Tianjin University,0/4
  2. Research and Realization of Quality of Service for Packet Transport Network,HanYaLei/WRI,0/37
  3. The Dynamic Resource Allocation Algorithm Research of OFDMA,RuZuo/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/96
  4. Design of Iuh Function and Research on Packet Scheduling Performance Based on Femtocell,LiuQiong/Wuhan University of Technology,0/40
  5. Research of Downlink Packet Scheduling Algorithm for High Moving Speed Users in LTE System,DongWen/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/110
  6. Research on Cross-layer Optimization of the Wireless Mobile Networks Based on QoS Guarantee,LiuYang/PLA Information Engineering University,0/58
  7. Research on Packet Scheduling for the Downlink in LTE System,YaoDan/PLA Information Engineering University,0/146
  8. Resource Scheduling and Delay Analysis for LTE-Advanced System Based on Cooperative Communication,LiuLiJun/Hunan University,0/29
  9. Research on Packet Scheduling for TD-SCDMA Hsdpa,YangJinMing/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/8
  10. Research on Packet Scheduling Technology for Td-Scdma System,CaoLiNing/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/4
  11. Research on the Packet Scheduling Algorithm of TD-HSUPA,ChangLingLi/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/13
  12. Research on Optimal User Scheduling and Interference Coordination Mechanism in the LTE System,ZhangTianZuo/Shandong University,0/79
  13. Research on Packet Scheduling Algorithms in LTE Downlink System,ZengMuFei/South China University of Technology,0/124
  14. Research and Simulation on Packet Scheduling for LTE Downlink,GuiChengPing/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/120
  15. Packet Scheduling Algorithm Research of LTE Downlink,DuanYanBin/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/204
  16. Researches on Radio Resources Management in Multicast Broadcast Single Frequency Network,WangMin/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/186
  17. Multi-service Based Downlink Resource Scheduling Algorithm in LTE System,FuMaoBao/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/212
  18. Research on Packet Scheduling Algorithms for Mixed Business in LTE Systems,LiuWei/Jilin University,1/168
  19. Packet Scheduling Algorithm on MAC Layer for Long Term Evolution System,LiHaiXu/Beijing Jiaotong University,2/175
  20. Research on Packet Scheduling Algorithms in HSDPA System,SongYiQiang/Yanshan University,0/22
  21. Design and Simulation of Packet Scheduling Algorithms in the Downlink of OFDM System,LiuYeJun/Northeastern University,0/46
  22. Research on Interference Mitigation and Performance Enhancement in MIMO System,BaBin/PLA Information Engineering University,0/21
  23. Research on MAC Protocol and Scheduling Algorithms of HINOC,WeiXing/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/4
  24. The Research of Multimedia Packet Scheduling Algorithms in Wireless Networks,GongChuang/Hunan University,0/17
  25. Research on QoS-Based Scheduling Algorithms over an EPFTS Platform,LiJi/Southwest Jiaotong University,6/129
  26. Research on Radio Allocation and Handover Mechanism in Wireless Relay Systems,HanJing/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,10/885
  27. Radio Resource Management and QoS Guarantee in Wireless Networks,XuBinYang/University of Electronic Science and Technology,6/843
  28. Downlink Packet Scheduling Technologies Deploying Adaptive Antenna Array in Broadband Wireless Access Networks,ZhangJinWen/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/273
  29. The Research on Radio Resource Management Technology in Broadband OFDMA System,ZhangZuoFeng/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,10/912
  30. Research on Radio Resource Allocation Technology in B3G Mobile Communication Systems,SunZhiShui/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,5/736
  31. Wireless Ad hoc networks , MAC protocol and related technologies,XiaHaiLun/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,3/664
  32. Research on Multi-path Transmission Technology in Mobile Ad hoc Networks,WangHui/University of Science and Technology of China,3/620
  33. Research on Quality of Service Mechanisms for Hierarchically Switched Networks,MaHongWei/Institute of Computing Technology,2/157
  34. Packet-switched network multimedia transmission service quality,GaoYuBang/Institute of Computing Technology,0/214
  35. Study on EPON QoS Architecture and Implementation Mechanism for Broadband Access Network,ZouJunNi/Shanghai University,4/643
  36. Research on Radio Resource Management Technology in Systems Beyond 3G,LuYanHui/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,23/935
  37. Investigation on Radio Resource Management for Wireless Packet-Based Traffic,DuJiuHui/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,1/455
  38. Study on Several Problem about Cell Scheduling or Packet Scheduling in High-speed Router,LiuXiaoDong/PLA Information Engineering University,0/203
  39. Research on Packet Scheduling in Wireless Networks,JiangGang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,1/468
  40. Research on Packet Scheduling Algorithms in Wireless Networks,SongJian/University of Electronic Science and Technology,9/731
  41. Research on the Key Technologies of Multimedia Mobile Satellite Communication Systems,LiXing/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/0
  42. Research on Packet Scheduling Algorithm and Admission Control Scheme,YangFan/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,1/404
  43. The Research on Core Technology of Integrated Data Communication in Broad Bandwidth IP Network,DanZuo/People's Liberation Army National Defense University of Science and Technology,2/169
  44. Capacity Performance and Radio Resource Management Algorithms in Multi-service CDMA Cellular Communication Systems,WangYu/University of Electronic Science and Technology,17/539
  45. Research of Packets Scheduling on Power and Delay Tradeoff in Cellular Networks,PengLieXin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/79
  46. Research of Hardware-Based Collective Communication on K-ary n-tree,SunQuanBao/National University of Defense Science and Technology,0/54
  47. Mobile multimedia communication network radio resource management and cross- layer optimization,ShenQiongXia/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,1/553
  48. Relay enhanced cellular system radio resource scheduling algorithm,MaZhangChao/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/93
  49. Research on Key Techniques of Wireless Resource Management in OFDM System Based on Relaying,ShiJie/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/323
  50. Research on Packet Scheduling Algorithms in Distributed Base Station,WuBin/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,2/76

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