
About 2696 item dissertation in line with power system query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.067 seconds)

  1. The Reasearch of the10KV Electric Power Customer Service System Function of HD Company,WuJie/Hebei University of Technology,0/13
  2. Research on Predictive Control for the Three-phase Inverter and its Parallel System,ShenKun/Hunan University,0/476
  3. Design of Thermally Induced Discoloration Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor and Simulation of Thermal Properties,SunQuan/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/1
  4. Study on the Calculation of Economic Dispatch of Power System Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,ZhangXiaoQing/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/88
  5. Production Research and Development of Real-time Database of Haiyang Longfeng Thermal Power Plant,RuanFang/Tianjin University,0/1
  6. The Material Management System of Heterogeneous Power System,HuZhongMin/Jilin University,0/9
  7. The Hardware System Design of the Intelligent Camera Based on the Davinci Processor,LiuKangZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/9
  8. Research on Contemporary Chinese Legal Supervision Power,HanBing/Jilin University,0/246
  9. Our country's criminal record elimination of legislation system,ShiYingChun/Yantai University,0/48
  10. Research on Power Harmonic Detection System Based on DSP and CPLD,XuXiaoYu/Liaoning Technical University,0/4
  11. The Design and Implementation of Photovoltaic Power Converter for Power over Fiber System,YangYan/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/5
  12. Research of Large Current Measurement for High Magnetic Field Based on Lead-acid Batteries Power,ChenXiaoYi/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/2
  13. Study of the Micro-scale Photovoltaic Power System for WSN Nodes,HanLei/Nankai University,0/49
  14. Design and implementation of Portable Power Microwave Sounder,GaoLianBo/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/17
  15. The Application of Device for Fault Line Selection Based on the Model Parameter Identification Method in Neutral Indirect Grounding Power System,LiPan/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/26
  16. The Apparatus of Single-phase-to-earth Fault Selection and Fault Location Based on the Modle Parameter Identification Method Used In110kv Zhaoshang Substation,CaoJian/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/16
  17. The Development of Protection Relay Performance Analysis System Based on Fault Recorder Data,QinZuo/Hunan University,0/73
  18. Research on Temporary Protection of Power Systems Based on FPGA Device,GongXiaoPeng/Liaoning University of Science and Technology,0/7
  19. Study of Transmission Lines Relay Protection by TCSC,WangJunLiang/South China University of Technology,0/13
  20. The Research of PSS Testing System Based on PC,ManChao/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/8
  21. Research on Management of Power Line Patrol,WeiRan/Tianjin University,0/3
  22. Design and Research on Interface of Power System Safety and Stability Control Device Based on Smart Grid,WangFei/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/10
  23. Research on An Improved Three-Phase Four-Switch Shunt Active Power Filter,XieZhongYu/Central South University,0/17
  24. The Effect of Air Conditioner Load on Voltage Stability of Distribution Network and Control Strategy,JinXinLong/Hunan University,0/41
  25. Research on Voltage Sag Detection and Compensation Technology,ZuoShuo/Hunan University,0/6
  26. Research on Equipment Encode-Identification for Internet of Power Transmission and Transformation Equipments,ZhangJunYong/Hunan University,0/36
  27. Study of Power Grid Security Early Warning and Decision Support System,HeLanTu/South China University of Technology,0/35
  28. Research on Graphic and Platform for Situation Awareness and Visualization in Distribution Network,ChenZuo/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/8
  29. Research on Several Key Issues of AC and DC Distribution Power System,FeiPingPing/Zhejiang University,0/37
  30. Study on Harmonic Suppression and Reactive Power Compensation of Power System,ZhaoYuMan/Liaoning University of Technology,0/56
  31. Electronic Load Based on PWM and Its Application in Power System Dynamic Physical Simulation,JiangGuiXiu/Tianjin University,0/33
  32. Calculation of Total Transfer Capability and Its Application in Center China Power Grid,YuZhengFeng/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/8
  33. Design and Implement of United Simulation Training System of Power Grid and Substation Operator,LuoYanJuan/Hunan University,0/40
  34. Panoramic Information Modeling and Model Application of Power Transmission and Transformation Equipments,HuangJingYu/Hunan University,0/24
  35. Based on the dq0Coordinate System of Electric Power System Fault Modeling Research,ChenXiaoWei/Three Gorges University,0/39
  36. Research on Application of Online Measurement-based Load Modeling Based on WAMS/PMU Data Platform,PengYunQing/Hunan University,0/40
  37. The Research and Its Application of Online Component-based Approach Load Modeling Based on the Power and Electricity Consumption Information,ZhuLin/Hunan University,0/15
  38. The On-line Revising Algorithm and Application for Integrated Load Model Parameters Based on Daily Load Profile,HanDong/Hunan University,0/46
  39. The Study on Nonlinear Control for Mulit-machine Power Sysytem,SongMingHou/Yanshan University,0/65
  40. Load Flow Calculation and Unit Commitment For Integrated AC/DC Power Systems,LiZhiYi/Zhejiang University,0/22
  41. The Study of Intelligent Automation System in Baotou City for Power System,ChenGang/Tianjin University,0/0
  42. Study on Fast Searchingactive Splitting Surface of the Power System Based on the Multilevel Partitioning Algorithm,TianZhen/Tianjin University,0/1
  43. Risk Assessment of Power Grid Based on Complex Networks and Fuzzy Theory,LiuPeng/Tianjin University,0/4
  44. A Study on Power System Thermal Security Region,GuoCong/Tianjin University,0/1
  45. County Power Grid Energy Management System Bases on the IEC-61970Standard Common Information Model,YeGuiNan/Guangxi University,0/49
  46. Research on Power Load Distribution and Early-Warning for Power Coal Storage and Supply Margin,LiuZuoZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/5
  47. Research on Vulnerability Assessment Methods of Complicated Power System Based on Security Risk Analysis,YuZhenHua/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/28
  48. Research on Theory and Methods of Online Dynamic Security Assessment of Large Scale Power System,WangMin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/13
  49. Reliability Study of the Transmission Line Based on the Theory of Markov,TangLingLing/Hunan University,0/78
  50. Study of Scenario Generation and Reduction in the Stochastic Unit Commitment Problem,XieShangHua/Hunan University,0/15

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