About 1022 item dissertation in line with Neurobiology query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.028 seconds)
- Role of Müller Cell-specific Reactive Gliosis in Acute Ocular Hypertension-induced Retinal Damage of Rats,SuJiEr/Capital University of Medical Sciences,0/6
- The Regulatory Role of Ca2+/Calpain/CDK5Pathway in Cochlear Hair Cells Death Induced by Ototoxic Drug,LiXin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/18
- Study of Toll-like Receptors Expression in Breast Cancer and Toll-like Receptors Gene Polymorphisms in Breast Cancer of Qingdao,WangXiaoFeng/Qingdao University,0/40
- Overexpression of HBx Protein Induces ER Stress in Liver Cancer Cells and Effects of MANF on Hepatoma Cells Biological Behavior,LuPeng/Anhui Medical University,,0/22
- The Role of G-protein Coupled Receptors in Alleviation of Morphine Induced Analgesic Tolerance by Oxytocin,WangHong/Second Military Medical University,0/18
- Effects of dopamine receptor and NMDA receptor function of the nucleus accumbens medium spiny neurons excited features,DongJian/Shaanxi Normal University,0/40
- The Effects of BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism on Lipopolysaccharide-induced Dperessive-like Behavior,TianTian/Shandong University,0/9
- Effect of chronic stress-induced depression occurs in transforming growth factor beta 1 and selenoprotein P,LiFei/Shaanxi Normal University,0/29
- Postpartum Repeated Separations from Pups Affect Emotional and Social Behavior and Associated Neuroendocrine in Mandarin Vole(Microtus Mandarinus) Fathers,KongLingZhe/Shaanxi Normal University,0/5
- Molecular Basis of Aberrant Signal Pathways for Mood Regulation in the Prefrontal Cortex of Depressed Patients,QiXinRui/University of Science and Technology of China,0/67
- Role of cPKCγ in HPC Protects N2a Cells Against OGD-induced Injury and Its Molecular Mechanism,LuoHong/Capital University of Medical Sciences,0/9
- The Regulation of Microglia Activation by Rotenone,GaoFeng/University of Science and Technology of China,0/52
- Pentoxifylline Ameliorates Function of Dopaminergic Neurons in SN-CPu of Lithium-pilocarpine Induced Epileptic Rats,XueYan/Hebei Medical University,0/2
- The Role of Microvesicles Mediated by P2X7Receptor in TBI,LiuXiaoFeng/Second Military Medical University,0/4
- The Role of miR-30a in Multiple Sclerosis and EAE,WangZhiHong/Second Military Medical University,0/26
- Axonal and Dendritic Changes are Associated with the Development of Diabetic Encephalopathy,ZhouYanPing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/110
- To Investigate the Effect of Intermedin (IMD) and Its Receptor of Dorsal Root Ganglia (DRG) on Chronic Neuropathic Pain of Chronic Constriction Injury (CCI) Rats,QiuShuZuo/Nanchang University Medical College,0/16
- GABA Improved Visual Cortical Function in Chronic Morphine Exposed Cats,XiaJing/University of Science and Technology of China,0/3
- The Regulatory Effects of Retinoic Acid on the Transcription of Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone,ZhaoJun/University of Science and Technology of China,0/22
- The Protective Effects of Resveratrol on Peripheral Nerve Injury Induced by Ethanol,YuanHongTu/Shandong University,1/0
- LTD blocking peptide for HU210 in mouse recognition memory effect on the role of,WeiXiaoFang/Shaanxi Normal University,0/37
- Effect of Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharide on Crushing Spinal Cord Injury in Rat,ZhangYuKai/Fourth Military Medical University,0/92
- Effects of Octopamine, Dopamine on the Cricket's Olfactory Learning and Memory of Reward and Punishment,BaiXu/Shenyang Normal,0/0
- Research on Adaptability of root voles optic device color discrimination and the living environment,WangWenJing/Shaanxi Normal University,0/9
- The Effects of Neonatal Paternal Deprivation on Social Recognition,Levels of Oxytocin and Estrogen α Receptor mRNA Expression in the Me A and Nacc and Serum Oxytocin in Mandarin Voles,CaoYan/Shaanxi Normal University,0/6
- CDK5-related Phosphoproteomic Analysis of Mice Neuronal Axon Growth Cone,GaoCaiZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/8
- Identification and Functional Study of F2X3Receptor Intracellular Interacting Molecules,WangChunYan/Second Military Medical University,0/6
- Effect of Hemopexin on Adult Neurogenesis in the Subventricular Zone-olfactory Bulb Pathway,Qiu/Second Military Medical University,0/19
- Dynamic Process and Mechanisms of Myelin Development,LiuPeng/Second Military Medical University,0/53
- Oligodendroglial Biology in CNS Development and Regeneration,LuYan/Second Military Medical University,0/101
- Identification and Regulatory Effects of Nuclear Large Conductance Calcium Activated Potassium Channels on Nuclear Calcium Signaling,LiBoXing/Southern Medical University,,0/39
- Embryonic Neural Stem Cell Mproved Neuron Survival in the Mouse Brain Slice by Regulation of Microglia Activity,WuHuiMei/University of Science and Technology of China,0/16
- Synaptic Plasticity Relies on Rate and Temporal Code in the Hippocampus,ZhuZuoZuo/University of Science and Technology of China,0/24
- The Regeneration Potential of Zebrafish Caudal Fin and the Circadian Rhythm of Brain, Heart and Brown Adipose Tissue in Mice,ShaoJinPing/Nankai University,0/9
- The Neuropeptide CRH Regulates Rat Primary Microglin Activation,BiYanHua/Zhejiang University,0/36
- The Development of Retinal Vascular System in Mouse,LiuJing/Henan University,0/17
- Role of Fyn in the Process of Neuronal Migration,HuangYingXue/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/19
- The variation of postsynaptic excitatory neuronal activity dependent long-term,WeiChunLing/Shaanxi Normal University,0/101
- Study of Ribosylation Induced Cytotoxicity and Cognitive Dysfunction,LuYang/University of Science and Technology of China,0/25
- Astrocytic ATP Is Critical for LTD in the Hippocampal CA1Region,ChenShanPing/Southern Medical University,,0/66
- BDNF Induced Mitochondrial Stationary and Docking at Presynaptic Site Contribute to BDNF Enhanced Synaptic Transmission,JiYunSong/Shandong University,0/19
- Effects of5-HT on the Visual Learning and Memory in the Cricket Gryllus Bimaculatus,GuoRui/Shenyang Normal,0/0
- Screening of Target Genes of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor-γ in Brain,ZhangHongZuo/Southern Medical University,,0/48
- Morphine incubation effect on rat brain astrocytes HU210 induced calcium oscillations,ZhangZuo/Shaanxi Normal University,0/22
- The Reelin Effect of Cell Differentiation and Polarity in Hippocampus Microenvironment,FuXing/Henan University,0/32
- Enhancing Annexin-1and nFPRs Interaction Regulates Microglial Activation to Protect Neuron from Ischemia Like Injury,LuoZhenZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/54
- Chronic Zinc Exposure Decreases the Surface Expression Of NR2A-containing NMDA Receptors in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons,ZhuJia/Zhejiang University,0/63
- Effect of Radix Morinda Officialis Extract on Hypothalamus Regulate Spermatogenesis on the Male of Microwave Induced Reproductive Impairment,WangFengJuan/Fujian Medical,0/11
- Bidirectional plasticity and its mechanism of glycine induced NMDA receptor currents,Ji/Nanjing Medical University,0/65
- Effects of Polyethylene Glycol on Axotomized Retinal Ganglion Cells after Rat Optic Nerve Transection,YangAnAn/Fourth Military Medical University,0/24
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