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Effects of Chinese Herb Feed Additives on Reproduction Performance and Blood Biochemical Parameters in Later Reproductive Period of Breeder Cocks

Author: QinXuGuang
Tutor: LiuFuZhu
School: Northwest University of Science and Technology
Course: Animal Nutrition and Feed Science
Keywords: Chinese herb feed additives breeder cocks sperm quality reproductive hormones physiological and biochemical parameters
CLC: S831.5
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2006
Downloads: 263
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This research was conducted to evaluate the effects of Chinese herb feed additives on sperm quality, plasma reproductive hormone, physiological and biochemical parameters during later reproductive stage of Nick T breeder cocks.80 fifty-week-old Nick T breeder cocks were randomly divided intoⅠ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴgroups. Every group has 16 cocks.ⅠandⅡgroup were control groups. Two control groups were fed with basic diet and basic diets added eggs respectively.Ⅲ、ⅣandⅤgroup were treatment groups. Three treatment groups were fed with basic diets added with 1%、2%、3% Chinese herb feed additives respectively. The sperm quality of breeder cocks were measured at the end of pre-feeding period, the 15th day、the 30th day、the 45th day、the 60th day in test period and the 15th day after test respectively. The plasma reproductive hormone T、LH、FSH of the breeder cocks were measured at the end of pre-feeding period, the 30th day、the 60th day in test period and the 15th day after test respectively. The concentration of TP、ALB、GLOB、A/G、TC、TG3、HDL、LDL、BUN、UA in blood serum and the activity of GPT and GOT were measured at the 60th day of the text . Semen collection were proceeded for every group cocks in the last week of the test period. Artificial insemination were proceeded for hen, and collected the pedigree eggs for hatching. The rate of fertilization of pedigree eggs and the rate of healthy chickling were measured. This research was conducted to evaluate the effects of Chinese herb feed additives on sperm quality, plasma reproductive hormone, physiological and biochemical parameters, the rate of fertilization of prdigree eggs and the rate of healthy chickling during later reproductive stage of Nick T breeder cocks.The results showed that: the diets added with Chinese herb feed additives can improve sperm quantity and sperm activity of breeder cocks significantly. The levels of testosterone、

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CLC: > Agricultural Sciences > Livestock, animal medicine,hunting,silkworm,bee > Poultry > Chicken > Feed and nutrition
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