
About 3273 item dissertation in line with Ningbo University query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.039 seconds)

  1. Design of Interdisciplinary Thematic Unit Based on Scientific Big Ideas,YanFengJu/Ningbo University,0/4
  2. The Study of Self-other Mate Choice,LiuCuiCui/Ningbo University,0/2
  3. Self-Other Decision-Making Differences,NiuZhongHui/Ningbo University,0/3
  4. Influence of Attribution of Responsibility to "Regret Avoidance Behavior" in Repeated Decision Making,TangLeQin/Ningbo University,0/1
  5. The Theoretical Analysis of Low-carbon Audit Evaluation System Construction and Its Empirical Research,GaoJianHui/Ningbo University,0/1
  6. The Research of People’s Livelihood Audit Based on Practice in Ningbo,HuangZuo/Ningbo University,0/53
  7. The Research of Government Audit Site Management,ShenHaiJiang/Ningbo University,0/2
  8. The Measure and Compare of China’s Regional Sustainable Development of Finance,LuQin/Ningbo University,0/0
  9. The Mode and Path Research of RMB Internationalization,WangWei/Ningbo University,0/4
  10. Foreign Capital Enter Speed and Foreign Direct Investment Spillover Effect,HuangYuanZhe/Ningbo University,0/2
  11. Study on Returns of Shanghai A Stock Exchange,WangWei/Ningbo University,0/0
  12. Study on China’s Stock Market Investors over Trading,CaoSheng/Ningbo University,0/1
  13. Research on Relationship between Investor Sentiment and Stock Market Returns in China,ZhaoAoLin/Ningbo University,0/1
  14. Analysis of the Effect of IPO Lock-up Period Expiration in Chinese Stock Market,WangYiMing/Ningbo University,0/1
  15. The Research of Internal Control and Risk Management for Commercial Banks,PanSiHai/Ningbo University,0/2
  16. Research on Performance Evaluation and Innovation of New-type Rural Financial Institutions,YangLiNa/Ningbo University,0/3
  17. Study on the Competitiveness of the Taizhou Branch of China Construction Bank,ZhuShengGao/Ningbo University,0/3
  18. The Development Strategy of City Commercial Banks,LiJing/Ningbo University,0/11
  19. Research on Queuing Problem of Bank Service System,CaoXuMin/Ningbo University,0/3
  20. Microfinance in Emerging Economies and Its Impacts: Comparative Study between the People’s Republic of China and Ivory Coast,SANOGOH B.S.LEILA/Ningbo University,0/0
  21. The Inflation Issue in Vietnam after Renovation Period,NGUYEN THUY LINH/Ningbo University,0/0
  22. An Empirical Research of Threshold Effect of Monetary Policy in China Based on Credit Rationing Theory,LiWei/Ningbo University,0/0
  23. The Study on the Impact of Interest Rates Changes on the Stock Market Yields in China,GaoLiNa/Ningbo University,0/0
  24. The Affect of Price Changes on Perceptions of Inflation under the Different Information Framing,ZhengXia/Ningbo University,0/1
  25. Problems and Countermeasures of Government Procurement Management in China,ShaoChengWei/Ningbo University,0/4
  26. Studies of Environmental Regulation on Import and Export Trade,ZhengJiangZuo/Ningbo University,0/0
  27. Study on the Integrity Management System of Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine,LeiZuo/Ningbo University,0/1
  28. Research on RMB Equilibrium Exchange and Adjustment of Trade Balance both Theoretically and Empirically,YaoXiuFang/Ningbo University,0/1
  29. Study of Carbon Tariffs on Chinese Income Terms of Trade Effect,PangYuHong/Ningbo University,0/1
  30. Effects of Trade Balance on China’s Inflation,YangZuo/Ningbo University,0/0
  31. Analysis of Effect on China’s Export Commodity Structure by Finance Development,FeiZhaoZuo/Ningbo University,0/1
  32. A Study on Financial Development Support to Industrial Inter-district Transfer of Processing Trade in China,ShenCanQin/Ningbo University,0/0
  33. The Market Procurement Trade Inspection Supervision Mechanism Research,YuDongYue/Ningbo University,0/1
  34. Study of Trade Relations between China and Ivory Coast,SANOGOH MASSITA SAFIMARYSE/Ningbo University,0/0
  35. An Empirical Study on Intra-industry Trade and Its Determinants of Sino-Japan and Sino-Korea,QinManMan/Ningbo University,0/1
  36. The Measurement of China’s Foreign Trade Costs and the Analysis of the Influence Factors,YinMin/Ningbo University,0/5
  37. A Research on Trade Development Promote Currency Internationalization,ChaoYang/Ningbo University,0/1
  38. A Empirical Analysis of Relationship between RMB Exchange Rate, Import Prices and Domestic Prices,LiWei/Ningbo University,0/3
  39. The Study on Consumers’ Purchasing Intention Factors to Extension Products,YiJun/Ningbo University,0/2
  40. Satisfaction Degree Study of the Third-party E-commerce Platform,FangJingJing/Ningbo University,0/4
  41. The Influence of Advertising Intervention on Consumers’ Brand Avoidance,TangYi/Ningbo University,0/0
  42. The Influence of Involvement on the Regulatory Fit Effect in Advertisment Persuasion,FanAnSheng/Ningbo University,0/8
  43. Consumer Spatial Behavior of Supermarket Chains,WangXiaoYan/Ningbo University,0/5
  44. Strategy Research of Chinese Hotel’s Development to Foreign Hotels’ Entrance in China,LiYing/Ningbo University,0/1
  45. Research on the Influence Mechanism of Producer Service to Export in Zhejiang Province,JiangXueYan/Ningbo University,0/1
  46. Analysis of Evaluation and Influence Factors about the Productive Service’s Efficiency in Zhejiang Province,Luo/Ningbo University,0/4
  47. A Study on Foods&Beverages Franchising Opportunities in Laos,PATHAMMAVONG PHONESILI/Ningbo University,0/1
  48. The Research of Shengsi Tourism Development in the New District of Zhoushan Islands Construction Background,PeiJiaLe/Ningbo University,0/3
  49. The Finance and Taxation Policies of Ningbo to Boost the Transformation and Upgrading of Enterprises,YuJiNa/Ningbo University,0/3
  50. Research on the Upgrading Paths of China’s Enterprise under the Perspective of the Global Value Chain,ChenRuDan/Ningbo University,0/2

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