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A Study on Reverse Construction Method of Underground Structure

Author: ZhouRongZuo
Tutor: ZouZuJun;WangCaiLin
School: Tongji University
Course: Architecture and Civil Engineering
Keywords: Multi-storey underground Reverse Order Excavation Engineering Construction technology Monitor
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2007
Downloads: 384
Quote: 4
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In this paper, the development status of the reverse construction of underground works , the reverse construction of the advantages and disadvantages of the construction process , and some of the key links in the reverse construction , carried out a detailed analysis and study . Shanghai Golden Land Business building basement of the main structure of reverse construction , to make earthworks , concrete Inverse pouring template works become more complex, requiring more stringent . The basement issues related to the construction of the main structure of the engineering of this article were studied in detail , and proposed the corresponding solutions . The basement construction excavation monitoring is inverse of important issues in the practice of construction , and related monitoring methods were introduced . Engineering practice and research , the specific application of the reverse construction process was introduced , the detailed description of the project against the practice to achieve results - saving investment , shorten the construction period , and to create a greater economic and social benefits for the cause of building . The article also summarized and presented in Reverse Order in China 's development trend and further solve the problem .

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Building Science > Underground construction > Underground construction,construction machinery and equipment
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