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Foam enrichment and isolation of the active ingredients of Ginkgo biloba Process

Author: WangZuo
Tutor: LiuJiaJia
School: Central South University
Course: Chemical processes
Keywords: Ginkgo biloba flavonoids terpene lactones foam separation mathematic model
CLC: TQ461
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2004
Downloads: 409
Quote: 6
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Flavonoids and terpene lactones were the effective components of Ginkgo biloba leaves, which are mainly used for the improvement of the blood circulation, both peripherally and centrally. It’ s studied on this article that the improvement of extraction and isolation technology of the two effective components from Ginkgo biloba leaves by foam separation technology. The article included experiments as follows:Improving on extraction technology. Raw material was pretreated by the cellulase enzyme, and the results showed the extraction by pretreatment had higher extraction yield. The optimum conditions of enzymatic hydrolysis was that concentration of enzyme 0.125g/L, ratio between enzyme and substrate 1:1200, treatment temperature 45癈, process time 2h.Improving on separation technology. Foam separation had been adopted on this section. It was showed that separation of flavonoids and terpene lactones with pretreating raw material solution by foam separation technology had simple working procedure and increased efficiency. Some factors had been studied and the better results had been achieved with flux of gas of 100ml/min, initialization concentration of raw material solution, value of pH between 4 and 5, surfactant dosage of 2X10-6mol. Under these conditions, enrichment ratio of flavonoids was up to 2. 97, while the content was measured to be 19.66% and enrichment rate about 37%.Refining products. Some refined flavonoids and terpene lactones were yield by using poly(amidoamine) dendrimers chromatography and acetyl acetate extraction respectively. Purified degree of flavonoids was 78. 21 % . Purification of terpene lactones was improved without losing activity.Simulation and forecasting of foam separation procedure. Mathematic model was constructed by mixing theory and experimental results. Adsorption of surface active molecules between gas and liquid suface and water-loss process in foam layer were simulated. Formulation about enrichment ratio of E was conducted and it could be used for forecasting. It is validated that theoretic model accorded with foam separation procedure under experiments.

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Chemical Industry > Pharmaceutical chemical industry > The Chinese herbal medicine preparations of the production
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