
About 25126 item dissertation in line with Fudan University query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.010 seconds)

  1. Design and development of online tax system,LiuNa/Fudan University,0/31
  2. Horizontal fiscal equalization theory under the framework of China's inter provincial targeted aid research,CaiZi/Fudan University,0/143
  3. The calculation model of image cognition of non classical receptive field mechanism based on,WangXiaoMei/Fudan University,0/187
  4. Research on Key Technologies of face detection algorithm and chip,ZhouZuoNa/Fudan University,2/0
  5. Research on the key techniques of virtual endoscopy in children with congenital heart disease ultrasonic image mirror,ChenBinJin/Fudan University,0/88
  6. Study on Integrated Visualization Methods for Biomedical Images,LiTianJie/Fudan University,0/451
  7. Research on Near-Duplicate Video Detection Algorithm,LiuHong/Fudan University,1/0
  8. Research on large customer CPK optimization design and assembling process of Six Sigma quality management method based on,YaoWenHui/Fudan University,0/5
  9. Optical design and process of mobile phone LCD backlight module light guide plate in,ShuWei/Fudan University,0/24
  10. Application of low rate speech coding AMBE algorithm and AMBE-2000TM chip in the encryption in a telephone system,LiYongNing/Fudan University,0/66
  11. Analysis and research of TFT-LCD lithography productivity improvement,ZhouGang/Fudan University,0/58
  12. Study of TFT-LCD Wide View Angle Technology,LiZhiFu/Fudan University,0/16
  13. Design and research of ultrathin liquid crystal display module,DaiChao/Fudan University,0/13
  14. Research and implementation of LCD timing controller,LiYuan/Fudan University,0/29
  15. 0.11 micron mixed signal chip yield problem research,CaiYing/Fudan University,0/11
  16. Study of top emitting Ag reflective film etching technology in OLED process,TianHongWei/Fudan University,0/3
  17. Action research on opportunism and weapons - the weak neighborhood in city community politics from the perspective of contract,ZhuZhongYi/Fudan University,0/63
  18. Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of Recombinant Lysostaphin in Burned Patients,YangFeiFei/Fudan University,0/5
  19. The Role of GDNF and Its Receptors in Muller Cells in High Glucose Circumtance,ZhuXinPing/Fudan University,0/50
  20. Effect of Hydrogen Sulfide on Reactive Oxygen Species Level in Rat Cardiomyocyte Subjected to Hypoxia/Reoxygenation,SunWeiHua/Fudan University,0/135
  21. Effects of Chuanxiongzine on Mechanism of endothelial cell injury induced by high glucose,XuQiong/Fudan University,0/198
  22. The Study of Immunosuppressive Effects and Pharmacokinetics of Demethylzeylasteral,XuWenPing/Fudan University,2/0
  23. Beta-asarone Inhibits Synaptic Inputs to Airway Preganglionic Parasympathetic Motoneurons,QiuDongYing/Fudan University,0/34
  24. An Efficient Hypoglycemic Fraction Screened from the Fruiting Bodies of Ganoderma Lucidum (Fr.) Karst and Its Antihyperglycemic Mechanism in Vivo,ZuoBaoSong/Fudan University,0/57
  25. Study on Pre-payment System of Rural Cooperative Medical Care in Community Health Centers in Shanghai Suburbs,WangZiLiang/Fudan University,0/97
  26. Public GIS technology optimization of resource allocation based on patrol,ChenJie/Fudan University,0/36
  27. Research on NASICON Material CO2Sensor and Mobile Phone Measure System,LiuChao/Fudan University,0/10
  28. Climate Change and Ghg Mitigation in China Approaches for Domestic Policy Making,LiYingYing/Fudan University,0/42
  29. Analysis and Study on TFT Active layer Particle,ChangShuGuang/Fudan University,0/8
  30. Study on low dimensional nano device design and related physics,LinZheng/Fudan University,0/159
  31. Solanum Tuberosum Lectin-conjugated PLGA Nanoparticles for Nose to Brain Delivery,ChenJie/Fudan University,0/11
  32. Exploration and analysis of high-throughput sequence data of bioinformatics: analysis of transcriptome studies and Schistosoma japonicum Hox gene family in zebrafish embryonic development,GuJianLei/Fudan University,0/99
  33. Natural Selection and Population Expansion in Human Evolution Revealed by Mitochondrial DNA Sequences,ZhengHongXiang/Fudan University,0/57
  34. Chromosomal integration sites and histone methylation of HIV potential,DingDongLin/Fudan University,0/1
  35. The stability analysis method of Milstein containing jumps,HaoYi/Fudan University,0/19
  36. The boundary effect of continuous time local linear regression,XiaoJian/Fudan University,0/22
  37. For a randomized self protective phenomenon answer Bayesian semiparametric regression analysis of data,YuShuai/Fudan University,0/28
  38. The research team knowledge and task knowledge management research based on Network,QuanLiPing/Fudan University,0/497
  39. Rereading Feldman's criticism of Plantinga's epistemology defense scheme,ChenLu/Fudan University,0/26
  40. Cross cultural difference in leadership behavior preference,ShaoBo/Fudan University,0/80
  41. Organizational justice on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) - An Empirical Study of effect and work performance questionnaire survey of financial enterprises based on,JinMingXing/Fudan University,1/1175
  42. The complexity and the tourism market structure is endogenous evolution,MaMingCao/Fudan University,0/117
  43. With the international accounting convergence in real terms after the earnings quality will change? Empirical data from Chinese,GuoRenJie/Fudan University,0/170
  44. Application of the theory of catastrophe risk management mechanism,YingZhengChao/Fudan University,0/111
  45. Research on management innovation of property insurance underwriting risk control,HeMing/Fudan University,0/164
  46. China Enterprise Annuity Research,WangHaiJun/Fudan University,0/309
  47. An empirical study of insurance corporate governance impact on corporate performance in Chinese property insurance company as an example,ChenBin/Fudan University,0/937
  48. Impact on enterprise participating behavior of social insurance premium rate,ZhangSuRong/Fudan University,0/129
  49. Study on risk factors of dynamic solvency testing effect to Chinese property insurance company as an example,LiHuan/Fudan University,0/123
  50. Shanghai City, the basic old-age insurance for urban workers and the effect of income distribution,PingQing/Fudan University,0/150

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