Digital city is based on various scale topographic map, make full use of modern surveying and mapping technology and computer network technology, building multi‐scale, multi‐resolution, multi‐kinds of city space data system, to build a unified, authoritative city geographic information public platform.The basic geographic information database is the important spatial information module of the digital city, provide geographical resolution information of multiple space and time dimensions by different model structure, services in a variety of application domains.Basic geographic information database is the foundation of other professional location geographic information or digital city. The construction of the database is according to the unified standard for classification and coding, layered with certain rules, and the elements of the spatial, attribute information and spatial relationship between each other such as data collecting, editing, processing by the national basic scale topographic map in all kinds of natural geography and social factors of geographic information, including basic positioning, drainage, residents and infrastructure, traffic, pipeline, realm, landform, vegetation and soil, notes, etc.In this paper, Based on the construction projects of digital city city as an example, selects the project of1:1000and1:10000two kinds of scale data, and this data as the data source, conducts the research from following several aspects:Study of different types of source data scale, format, hierarchical, classification codes, attribute information, graphical representation,and the existing problems and its processing method.On the basis of database design standard, put forward the principle of database structure design.On the basis of the above, according to the actual application of the project, research is based on two kinds of data import method of layer and thickness, and after data preprocessing in editing and direct input editing storage method, provides a method on the construction of basic database for digital city.