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The Study about Cultural Concepts Which Influence the Design of Social Security System and Implementation of Social Security Policy
Author: YanNi
Tutor: SongBaoAn
School: Jilin University
Course: Social Security
Keywords: Social security policy system Implementation of policy Cultural concepts Influencingfactors
CLC: C913.7
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
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The design of social security system and implementation of the policy are influenced by the economic, political, social and cultural aspects, among which cultural ideas are the pilot for a system design and the cultural philosophy is first, the institutional arrangements is later. Cultural ideas of the social security system are abstract, long-lasting and deep, it is worthwhile to study and explore from the theoretical and practical aspects.This article treats cultural ideas as important factors influencing the design and implementation of the social security policy, and analyses cultural ideas which influence the development processes of China’s social security system and policy implementation, using the methods of comparative analysis and literature reference. From the formation of social assistance system prototype in ancient, to the learning policy from foreign countries then to the development and improvement of modern social security system, the changing and developing cultural ideas affected the establishment and adjustment of China’s social security. The development of cultural concept of different periods is closely related to the background of the economic and social development, and the social security system under the guidance of these cultural ideas has different objectives and measures, reflecting the significant impact of the cultural concepts on social security.Corresponding with the development of China, foreign social security system can also be divided into three stages according to who should bear the responsibility of the Social Security, and in different stages different cultural ideas affect the design and implementation of the policy of the social security system. In the early development stage of Social Security, the community generally believed that the generation of poverty was personal reasons, so the state should not intervene too much on social security system. With the serious of social problems, people realized the responsibility of the state and society in poverty, and promoted the country to intervene in the social security. When the aging of the population is accelerating, the unemployment problem is exacerbated and the fiscal spending is increasing beyond their income, the members began to realize that countries and individuals should jointly bear the responsibility of social security.Based on the analysis of the impacts from different cultural concepts in different periods at home and abroad, the paper summarizes the positive and counterproductive impact of cultural ideas on social security. Cultural ideas provide value guidance for the design of the social security system, provide spiritual bond to maintain the social security mode, provide continuous dependent path for the social security system, and provide evaluation system for the implementation of social security policy, but the cultural concepts also limit the selection of target of social security system, hinder the innovation for social security system design, mislead the gravity orientation of the social security. Based on the analysis of these effects, the social security system in China should enhance "the social quality" as the goal of the system design, take "fairness and efficiency" into account as the value of building Social Security System, treat "harmonious society" as the direction to achieve the implementation of the policy, and take "meeting the needs of the community" as the standard to evaluate the effect of social security policy.
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CLC: > Social Sciences > Sociology > Social life and social issues > Social welfare, social relief, social security
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