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Study on the Reform of Compulsory Education in the U.S from the Perspective of Equity

Author: WangZuo
Tutor: ChenShiJian
School: Southwestern University
Course: Comparative Education
Keywords: U.S. Compulsory Education Education Equity BalancedCompulsory Education
Type: PhD thesis
Year: 2013
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As one of public products and basic human right of every citizen in states with adequate legal system, compulsory education is a form of basic education needs of individuals’personal development. From this aspect, equity of compulsory education is quite different from other kinds of equity in economics or politics. From the aspect of value, equity is an ideal, and a method of achieving educational equality and even social equality. From the aspect of policy, equity is put forward to improve imbalance between supply and demand in current situation of education. It includes not only reasonable allocation of social resource and effective use of social resource in schools and regions in different level. From the aspect of history, it has its historical meaning with the development of times. Before popularization of compulsory education, the concept of equity stressed guarantee people’s educational opportunity in majority. After that, it emphasized the quality of education. With the rapid development of politics, economy and culture level, it transferred its function to provide more high quality education.Equity of compulsory education, as a policy principle, is based on its abundant and increasingly updated theoretical support:Educational Equity, Human Right in Education and Educational Modernization Theory. Firstly, educational equality refers to educational right equality, which gives social members equal educational opportunity without any negative factors from family, financial situation, race, and gender and capital possession. Educational equality is reflected in equality of education opportunity and education right and resources assignment. Educational opportunity possibility of social members from the government is equal. However, it is quite different in achieving educational opportunity possibility. Secondly, education is a kind of basic human right in essence which takes freedom and equality as its core of value through law and moral standard. Human right education is the education about and for human right human right, which uses education methods according with human right, teaches people knowledge related to human rights, and promotes human right. Lastly, educational equality and equity are the products of social economy and culture, and are the objective demand in human modernization period. The modernization of economy, society and culture provide material basis for educational equality. Meanwhile, it is restricted by them from classic nature. Education is always an ideal of people to gain. It is an important part of social equality and social democratization. Equity of education is a reflection of freedom, effectiveness, equality, justice and human rights, and is also a main method to achieve educational modernization.Equity of compulsory education in the U.S. began in1940s aimed to satisfy social labor force needs and respond to civil rights movement. It emphasized entrance opportunity and resources distribution equity. For instance, in1954, African American began to strive for mix public school movement. On idea of fight with poverty, Elementary and Secondary Education Act decided to provide compensative education and financial aid to children from needy families. Educational reform documents such as A Nation at Risk, Goals2000:Educate America Act, ect. put forward developing strategies to carry out. These strategies included no poison and violence, entrance for all children of school age. Standardization accountability strategy in No Child Left Behind (NCLB) pushed equity of compulsory education in American into profound development period. Through NCLB reform, Obama administration reestablished reform target, increased education standard, enhanced education accountability and judgment, optimizing educational resources distribution, and improve weak school. All of these strategies are made for achieving equality of opportunity, process and result.Equity of compulsory education is not only a policy but also a decision-making principle, and values based on approving of different subjects of values. Influenced by neo-conservation and neo-liberalism, U.S. government adjusted the relationship between freedom and equity, equity and effectiveness in distribution of educational resources. Neo-conservation equity theoreticians believe that educational resources distribution should be based on freedom, and any violating and limitation would be regarded as unequal and unreasonable. It emphasizes equality of opportunities instead of equality of results. Neo-conservation equity theory believed that educational resources should be distributed to social members on considering social benefit and market competition principle. On the contrary, neo-liberalism believed that people are born equal, and the responsibility of education is to promote social equality. The judgment of distribution should be based on results equality and maximizing compensation to disadvantageous groups.In order to achieve equality and efficiency, U.S. government absorbed opinions of both neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism. On one side, investing public education resource increasingly to reduce the educational gap between different regions, schools and groups. On the other side, accountability, measuring, controlling and assessment are emphasized in high standard of curriculum and school work. Through voucher and charter school, self management is introduced to education field, in order to achieve equality and efficiency. U.S. federal government provided educational resources, establish compensative project, made educational standard, examined school qualification, supervise educational quality through providing funds, legislation and supervising Parents and students can choose schools freely in different situations. Through market competition, the government improved education quality and efficiency, School choice system, finance distribution system and study accountability have been established.Therefore, pro forma equity to substantive equity, united state federal government took voucher, charter school, and open enrollment to achieve equality of educational opportunity. Transfer payment from the exchequer from federal government, Standardization test and accountability system are use to achieve educational quality equality. U.S. federal and local government, market and populace start an educational reform movement, which is taken government policies and market competition as important factors. All kinds of problems and controversies in this movement become motivation of American equity of compulsory education. That will help shedding some lights on understanding the content of educational equality, adhering to government’s decision and school choice policy, expanding the instrumental value and market function of school choice, distributing teacher resources reasonably, establishing educational compensative system for disadvantaged groups, building development goal and standard and strengthening educational supervising and accountability.

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