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Hovercraft Structure Strength Finite Element Research

Author: QuPeng
Tutor: ZuoFuShan
School: Harbin Engineering University
Course: Design and manufacture of ships and marine structures
Keywords: Hovercraft Finite element Structure strength Inertia relief
CLC: U674.943
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
Downloads: 47
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This paper is mainly about finite element structure strength analysis for hovercraft.“KHIVUS-10” designed and built in Russia is taken as an example, and further calculation byCCS rules and finite element analysis is performed. The results are compared with CCS rules todiscuss the applicability and the structure difference.Direct calculation for ship strength analysis is based on finite element method. By makingthe finite element model, the overall stress distribution for this ship is obtained. In order toreform and build this hovercraft in China, the results need to be compared with the Chinesespecifications.This paper starts with research status of hovercrafts and it can be divided into severalsections: Firstly, structural features and overall performance of these ships need to be analyzed.It includes basic explanation to external load and general strength. Secondly, the concept andtheoretical basis of finite element direct calculating method is briefed. Thirdly, by usingMSC.PATRAN(2005R2), the geometric modeling is made and the finite element grid is divided.This step is based on original ship’s actual structure material. Fourthly, the quasi-static3D finiteelement calculation is completed by using inertia relief. The structural distortion and stressdistribution has been got and the hull strength can be estimated.For the reason of structural design complication and various building condition ofhovercrafts, it is very difficult to calculate and simulate one exact situation. This paper estimatesstructural stress by choosing typical building condition according to common strength checkstate of hovercrafts.The results show that the whole ship finite element direct calculation is reasonable andreliable. For now, in China the articles about hovercraft finite element calculation are very few.Hopefully, the analysis and results in this paper can be used as a reference for the hovercraftdevelopment.

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CLC: > Transportation > Waterway transport > Marine Engineering > Various types of vessels > Ships: navigation state points > Hovercraft
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