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The Research on Intrinsic Safety Characteristics of Buck Converter with Multiphase Interleaving Integrated Magnetics

Author: LiLongHua
Tutor: YangYuGang
School: Liaoning Technical University
Course: Theory and New
Keywords: parallel staggered magnetic integration multiphase coupled inductor Buck converter equivalent inductance intrinsically safe
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
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In this paper, considering the advantages of staggered parallel structure andcoupled integrated magnetics,we study the intrinsically safety of staggered parallelmagnetic integrated structure from different angles to focus on the essential securityfeatures of switching convertors.First, based on the two-phase interleaved the parallel magnetic integration Buckconverter, analyzed the equivalent inductance of the coupled inductor; Calculated itslargest inductor current and the energy released by output short circuit; Obtained thenon-explosive intrinsically safe criterion of interleaved the parallel magnetic integrationBuck converter and the most suitable design parameters of inductance and capacitanceto make the maximum output short circuit release energy minimization.Secondly, solved the problem of symmetrization the three-phase asymmetriccoupled inductor; analyzed the intrinsically safe indicators of symmetrizationthree-phase interleaved parallel magnetic integration Buck convertor. Obtained therange of coupling coefficient witch met both increased steady-state inductance andreduced the transient inductance; Solved the contradiction between the electricalspecifications witch need large inductance and capacitance and the intrinsically safenorm witch need small inductance and capacitance of switching power supply.Finally, selected the appropriate control chip and control measure to design themain circuit and control circuit of the intrinsically safety staggered parallel magneticintegrated Buck converter; built the experimental circuit; verified the correctness of thethoretical analysis and the feasibility of the design method. Simulated the circuit usingMatlab software, summarize the superiority of staggered parallel integrated magneticstructure.

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Electrotechnical > Transformers, converters and reactors > Converter
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