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Risk-based Internal Control System of Colleges and Universities to Build Research
Author: JinJiGang
Tutor: LiuGuoFeng
School: Agricultural University of Hebei
Course: Accounting
Keywords: Colleges and universities Internal control Risk Suggestions
CLC: G647
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
Downloads: 134
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As everyone knows, every organization must have the purpose of its existence.For China’s higher schools, teaching, scientific research, social services and cultural inheritance andinnovation has become the four major functions of the shoulder. However, in the higher school tocomplete the process of a series of goals, will inevitably be obstacles to this goal, these obstacles touniversity to perform its functions and goals is the so-called risk factors. In this paper, based on the riskguidance, study the internal control of higher education institutions. The college’s internal control andrisk management process is divided into the following several aspects: goal setting, risk assessment, riskanalysis, risk response, effect evaluation. At present, China’s Ministry of Finance and other fiveministries have on enterprise internal control standard system specific provisions; and in November29,2012issued the "internal control of administrative institutions (Trial)", according to the regulations,standardize the internal control of administrative institutions in China will be effective from January1,2014. The investigation shows that, China’s higher schools and institutions of internal control itselfremains in the system level are scattered, has not formed a complete system. Also, some problems ofhigher school exposed, almost all have a direct relationship with the internal control system. Therefore,to improve the university internal control standard system, strengthen the internal control system of highschool construction, effectively solve the existing problems in the process of implementation of internalcontrol has become a pressing matter of the moment of higher school.This paper will take the risk oriented internal control system of higher school building research.This paper first describes the research background and research significance, and puts forward theresearch method of this article and technical route. Secondly, this paper is to review the internal controlof domestic and foreign literature, review of domestic and foreign internal control theory developmentprocess, on the basis of this, some of the latest achievements of theoretical research on the internalcontrol is the comprehensive risk management theory. Then, through the analysis of the current situationof internal control of domestic and foreign colleges and universities, puts forward the main problems ofinternal control of higher schools in our country at present. And the analysis of internal control andmanagement process of the University from the angle of risk, and then puts forward the basicrequirements and principles of internal control of higher education, to further build the effectiveness ofinternal control evaluation model. Then through the introduction of risk control theory of higher schoolspecific business or activities put forward reasonable suggestions and draw the flow chart of specific risk control. Finally is the summary of the article, proposes the research deficiencies and defects in the.
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CLC: > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Higher Education > School Management
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