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Global Value Chain Perspective Upgrading of Industrial Clusters in Liaoning Province

Author: ChenChuan
Tutor: ZhangXiaoFen
School: Liaoning University of Technology
Course: Business management
Keywords: global value chains industrial cluster equipment manufacturing upgradepath coupling
CLC: F127
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2014
Downloads: 38
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With the accelerated process of global economic integration, China and the worldeconomy have become more and more close; the international economic situation will bebound to affect the country’s economic development. Industrial cluster is an important form ininternational competition. The development degree of industrial cluster embodies theeconomic power of a country. The development of industrial cluster is no longer staying in aclosed system. From the angle of a regional economics, the development of industrial clustersand regional economic is harmonious and unified with each other. Rational development ofindustrial cluster can stimulate regional economy rapidly and enhance the wholecompetitiveness of regional economy.Studying global value chain theory is the premise of analyzing industrial clustersupgrade in Liaoning Province. At first, this paper includes a review of literatures of the globalvalue chain theory and industrial cluster theory, Firstly, this paper combines with a lot ofliterature, summarizes the global value chain theory’s changing process as well as relatedtheories about industrial cluster, and demonstrates the close linkages between global valuechain and industrial cluster through coupling theory. Secondly, this paper builds an evaluationmodel to evaluate the industrial cluster development level and expounds the advantages ofmethod set theory compared with single evaluation method. Finally, this paper summaries theindustrial cluster situation in Liaoning Province, selects equipment manufacturing industry asa case to do empirical analysis depends on method set theory and evaluation model. Itconcluded that there exist problems such as high added value with low income, poorcapability of independent innovation in the development of equipment manufacturing industryin Liaoning Province. It demonstrated that it is necessary to upgrade the value chain inindustrial cluster.On this basis, by drawing lessons from the successful experience about industrial clusterat home and abroad and the actual situation in Liaoning Province, the paper gives areasonable upgrading path as well as innovative countermeasures and suggestions from thecluster level, the government level and the enterprise level within the cluster. It hopes that thispaper can provide a reference for further research.

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CLC: > Economic > The world economic profiles,economic history,economic geography > China's economy > The local economy
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