
About 523 item dissertation in line with LiHua query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.044 seconds)

  1. Research on Performance Evaluation of Public Investment Projects,LiHua/Tianjin University,0/5
  2. Analysis on the economic effects of tourism industry in Shanxi Province Based on the perspective of industrial transformation,LiHua/Shaanxi Normal University,0/147
  3. Research on the Promotion of Design Personnel’s Profession Ability for JKS Corporation,LiHua/Jilin University,0/20
  4. The Relationship Between Corporate Strategy and Business Model From an Coupled Perspective,LiHua/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/75
  5. Taizhou Cigarette Consumption Characteristics and Study on the Study on the Management of Operation,LiHua/Ningbo University,0/2
  6. Study on Curing Reform of the Rural Share Cooperation System in Pearl River Delta,LiHua/Jilin University,0/47
  7. Ganzhou city shanty towns housing compensation housing tax assessment study,LiHua/Jiangxi University of Technology,0/50
  8. The Analysis and Countermeasure of Changshu in the Construction of Public Rental Housing,LiHua/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/4
  9. Rapid Modeling Based on Virtual Reality Technology,LiHua/Anhui University of Technology,0/19
  10. Research on the Acquisition of Tone3by Non-native Chinese Children under the Immersion Teaching Environment,LiHua/Liaoning Normal University,0/1
  11. The Research of Obstacle and Countermeasure for Buildings Community Development in Xia Cheng District Hang Zhou City,LiHua/Ningbo University,0/2
  12. Research on the Legal Issue of the New Third Board Market,LiHua/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/54
  13. On the Limitation on the Rights of Shareholders Failing to Make Full Capital Contribution in Limited Liability Company,LiHua/Shanxi University of Finance,0/6
  14. Study on the division of central government and local government tax right in China,LiHua/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/45
  15. From Singing in the Cross-border Exploration Diversification Development of Chinese National Vocal Music,LiHua/Sichuan Normal University,0/9
  16. A Study on the Problems with Advance with English and Its Use in Hunan Rural Senior High Schools and the Countermeasures,LiHua/Hunan Normal University,0/8
  17. Research the Influencea Bout Expression of Gene and Ovarian Repairon on Autoimmune POF Model Mice by Traditional Chinese Medicine of Bushenhuoxue,LiHua/Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/2
  18. Cloning and Expression of MyD88and IRF3Gene of Schizothorax Prenanti,LiHua/Sichuan Agricultural University,0/41
  19. On Obscured Politics of Water Distribution,LiHua/China Agricultural University,0/8
  20. Research on Grid-Connected Control and Low Voltage Ride through of Three-Phase Photovoltaic System,LiHua/Anhui University of Technology,0/31
  21. Application of Xiang Chu Culture in the Theme Hotel in Space Design,LiHua/Dalian University of Technology,0/2
  22. Injection Performance Simulation Test and Optimization for the Bag Filter Virtual Prototyping,LiHua/Hebei University of Technology,0/5
  23. Design and Implementation of Automatic Weighting Control System for Blast Furnace Charging,LiHua/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,0/9
  24. Research on Thermoplastic Towpreg Variable Angle Placement and Trajectory Planning,LiHua/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/116
  25. Quality Improvement Practices Based on FMEA Methodology in Chemical Manufacturing Plant,LiHua/East China University of Science and Technology,0/42
  26. Study on the Construction of the System of China Medical Liability Insurance,LiHua/Ocean University of China,0/278
  27. The Optimal Design for ABC Bank’s Private Bank Wealth Adviser Remuneration Management System,LiHua/Shandong University,0/56
  28. Project Planning and Development Management of Shandong Unicom Performance Evaluation System,LiHua/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/70
  29. Enterprises Salary System Design of Audi Dealers,LiHua/Nanchang University,0/1
  30. Research on Liquidity Risk Management of Commercial Banks,LiHua/Anhui University,0/142
  31. The Influence Factors of Agricultural Product Price Fluctuation and Trend Analysis,LiHua/Jilin University,0/356
  32. Study on the Financial Resources Allocation on the Background of Coordinating Urban-Rural Development,LiHua/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/163
  33. The Gait Simulation of Quadruped Robot with Elbow Joint for Front Legs and Knee Joint for Back Legs,LiHua/Shandong University,0/188
  34. Perceptional Texture Classification Technology Based on Visual Patches Extraction,LiHua/Ocean University of China,0/1
  35. Design and implementation of infrastructure management system of Power Grid Corp,LiHua/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/74
  36. The Application Research of Intelligent Mobile Service Development Method,LiHua/Beijing University of Technology,0/6
  37. Research of Data Exchange Based on XML for Heterogeneous Data,LiHua/Xi'an University of Technology,1/123
  38. The Key Technology of Great Capacity Solid State Storage Array,LiHua/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/45
  39. Forecasting of Wireless Network Traffic Based on Local Minimax Probability Machine,LiHua/West China University,0/18
  40. The Study on the Independent Choosing Profession Service Problems of Retired Athletes,LiHua/Central South University,0/165
  41. Medical College and of the Professional Ethics Construction Research,LiHua/Anhui Agricultural University,0/28
  42. Funding Mechanism Research of Guangxi Undergraduate College Impoverished Students,LiHua/Guangxi University,0/9
  43. Paradigm Shift of Ideological and Political Education,LiHua/Sichuan Agricultural University,0/101
  44. The University Campus Culture Construction in National Regions,LiHua/Yanbian University,0/38
  45. The Comparative Teaching Methods of Classical Chinese in Senire School,LiHua/Henan University,1/211
  46. Legal Researches on Chinese Foreign Distance Education under the Context of GATS,LiHua/Shandong University,0/45
  47. Study on Jury System,LiHua/Zhengzhou University,0/55
  48. On Legal Regulation of China’s "Micro-blog Public Opinion",LiHua/Qinghai University for Nationalities,0/10
  49. X Army Hospital Internal Control of Monetary Fund Research,LiHua/Dongbei University of Finance,0/147
  50. Research on the design of performance management system of Inner Mongolia Local Tax Bureau,LiHua/Inner Mongolia University,1/72

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