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Structure of Wenzhou Agricultural Resource Management Information System Based on GIS
Author: ChenJunXiang
Tutor: DaiTingBo
School: Nanjing Agricultural College
Course: Agricultural Extension
Keywords: GIS agricultural resource management information system database
CLC: S126
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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Agriculture is the dustry depended on resource environment. These, complexity of agricultural production and variation of timespace, are decided by the various resource environment and social economy. Wenzhou is superiority on nature environment and social economy, but weak in per capital hold of natural resource, leading to increasingly contradiction among population, resource, ecology, environment and cereals. The important prospect of Wenzhou agricultural production is according to advancing resource exploitation, fit area development, advancing utilization and improving effect of investment. GIS is well promoted and applicated in agricultural resource management area, that significantly improves the means and method of agricultural resource informantion management system, as the application in agriculture of GIS techology. It is more correct and comprehensive to regcognize the agricultural resource situtation and future of Wenzhou, to accomplish agricultural resource shares and area analysis forecast, and to provide decision support for government and agricultural department, that establishment of GIS based on agricultural resource management system of Wenzhou.It is the foundation of this study that building agricultural resource database. On the premise of complying relevant standards, these are created that the area agricultural resource database standard and the dynamic agricultural resource information database, throughing definition, classification and encoding of agricultural resource informaion. On that foundation, agricultural resource information of Wenzhou is investigated, collected, classificated and systemized, and the space information is digitized to build agricultural resource management system of Wenzhou based on GIS. That system implements that intuitvely describing spatial and temporal distribution of agricultural resource and dynamic anglyzing area agricultural resouce situation at the whole municipality. That, the agricultural resource management system of Wenzhou based on GIS, supports quick, intuitive and effective means for the management, planing and decision of agricultural resource. And this system is well on parctical value and theoretical significance for the data information shares, development and exploitation of agricultural resource area.
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CLC: > Agricultural Sciences > Agriculture as the foundation of science > Agricultural physics > Electronic technology, computer technology in agriculture
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