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Dynamic Effect of Cold Restraint Stress on Damage of Ultrastructure and Expression of Heat Shock Protein in Rat Tissues

Author: WuBuMeng
Tutor: DingYanFeng
School: Nanjing Agricultural College
Course: Agricultural Extension
Keywords: Rat Restraint Cold stress Ultrastructure HSP70
CLC: S858.91
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2010
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To explore the ultrastructure dynamic change of rat kidney and liver, and the dynamic effects on HSP70 expression in heart, liver and kidney, and the dynamic change of the level of ACTH、CORT、CK and ALT in serum of rats caused by cold restraint stress, and the possible mechanisms. Results showed as following:1. Compared with the control group, the rat kidney cells of experimental group showed a gradual deepening trend of damage with the prolongation of cold-restraint time, mainly manifested:slight edema was found in part of mitochondria of the glomerulus endothelial cell, and nucleus pyknosis turned out in different levels, the adhesion of fenestrae happened locally. Capillary basement membrane thickened locally, foot processes fusion of visceral epithelial cells were found in varying degrees, accompanied by vacuolar degeneration of some mitochondrial. Local cytoplasm dissolution was appeared in renal tubular epithelial cell, microvilli was disordered or got lost, edema or aggregation occured with mitochondrial;the phenomenon of nuclear pyknosis was found in varying degrees; the infolding of the plasma membrane occurred different degrees of edema.2. Comparing with the control group, the rat liver cells of experimental group show a gradual deepening trend of damage with the prolongation of cold-restraint time, mainly manifested:slight edema is found in part of mitochondria of the glomerulus endothelial cell, and nucleus pyknosis turn out in different levels. The adhesion of fenestrae happens locally. Capillary basement membrane thickens locally, and foot processes fusion of visceral epithelial cells are found in varying degrees, accompanied by vacuolar degeneration of some mitochondrial. Local cytoplasm dissolution appears in renal tubular epithelial cell, and microvilli is disordered or got lost, edema or aggregation occur with mitochondrial;the phenomenon of nuclear pyknosis is found in varying degrees; the infolding of the plasma membrane occurrs different degrees of edema.3. The HSP70 expression in heart increased with stress time.1.5 h group had a obvious increase compared with the 0 h group (P<0.05).after 2.0 h group, the increase was more significant.The HSP70 expression in liver increased slowly with stress time. Only 3.0 h group had a obvious increase compared with the 0 h,0.5h and 1.Oh group (P<0.05). Under the light microscope, It was observed that there was expression of HSP70 in the nuclei of renal glonerular capillary endothelial cells,and also in the nuclei and cytoplasm of renal tubular epithelial cells. The HSP70 expression in kidney increased continuously with stress time from Oh to 2.5h, achieved its higher level at stress time of 1.5 h,2.Oh and 2.5h(P<0.01). then declined markedly (P<0.05)4. The ACTH level in serum rises quickly with time increasing for the rats under cold restraint stress, it reaches the highest value at 0.5 h, and then it starts to fall quickly. The CORT level rises gradually with time increasing, it reaches the highest value at 1.5 h, and then it starts to fall quickly. The CK and ALT levels rise gradually with time increasing for the rats under cold restraint stress. The UI level rises quickly with time increasing, it reaches the highest value at 2.5h.The damage in rat kidney and liver by acute cold restraint stress has a certain ultromicro-pathologic features, and the damage is a gradual increasing process, during the same time, it accelerates the process of apoptosis.The cold restraint stress could induce the expression of HSP70 in heart increased with stress time, while the expression of HSP70 in liver had no markedly change in a short time, only after 3.hours the increase became obvious, it suggests that heart is more sensitive to the cold restraint stress, while liver has more powerful resistance. A certain intensity of cold restraint stress induced HSP70 Synthetic,and its level increased with time.It suggests that it is possible to take the HSP70 expressing level as a biological indicators to evaluate the effects of tissues in rats caused by cold restraint stress. The cold restraint stress can cause rats’ACTH level and CORT level in serum to rise, after it reaches the highest value, it falls back quickly. It can cause CK and ALT to rise with time increasing. Cold restraint stress can cause rats to have acute gastric ulcer, the worst at 2.5 h. it suggests the best testing time for rats under cold restraint stress model is 2.5h.

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CLC: > Agricultural Sciences > Livestock, animal medicine,hunting,silkworm,bee > Animal Medicine ( Veterinary Medicine) > Livestock, poultry, wildlife diseases > Wildlife Diseases > Animals used for experiments
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