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Unknown Canyon’s Gloomy Picture of Custom

Author: CaoQiong
Tutor: LuXiaoGuang
School: East China Normal University
Course: Comparative Literature and World Literature
Keywords: Water Mian Transformation Local World Total bitter story Female Craftsmen
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2009
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Water Mian is a famous Japanese novelist, enjoys a high reputation in the Japanese society. His masterpiece \From the eighties of the last century began to water Mian's works have been translated into Chinese, and welcomed by the readers. Academic studies undertaken by the Water Mian works, however, is not satisfactory, on the one hand, few researchers get involved in a small number of related papers; the other hand, the limited research, research methods lag, also no in-depth study. Water Mian research works, and his status in the Japanese literature is not consistent. This article attempts to efforts water Mian literary studies. In this paper, the creation of the Water Mian transformation as a breakthrough, and focus on the pure literary creation - his hometown along the Hokuriku background Native Novel Water Mian transformation. Water Mian Why change? Native Novels What is unique about his creation? What are the reasons for the formation of this unique style? These are the main issues of this article to answer. In this paper, take the text reading research methods combined with the theory, the contact of unique life experience and background of the times, through a relatively complete investigation before his late works, trying to outline the overall image of the water Mian creation, trying to form a more complete than before rich psychological world of image. Reveals his unique aesthetic style and relentless pursuit and exploration of traditional Japanese beauty. The papers body includes two parts: the first part, focused on Water Mian from moral reasoning novels to Local Novels, before and after the work of transformation, contact the authors at the same time the life and times of the background to answer the Water Mian Why transformation . Part II: Focus in Local Novels after the transformation of the water Mian, combined with the theory of the text reading, the author summed up the the Local World Water Mian pen five characteristics: the first is the native world of the native; second Local World of bitter story group; Local World women; fourth native world artisans; fifth, about the angle of the native world. By more than blood analysis can see Water Mian native world of the uniqueness of the the unnamed canyon gloomy genre painting formation will draw a fresh, comprehensive answer.

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