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Internet public opinion influence the judicial process
Author: GuJin
Tutor: MaChangShan
School: Heilongjiang University
Course: Legal
Keywords: the situation of online public sentiments judicial process supervision by online public sentiments rule by law
CLC: D926
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
Downloads: 157
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As a new kind of medium, network has been permeated every domains of the judicial process . Cyberspace has become a core stadium of information and opinions, realizing the right to express. In recent years, the development of online public opinion caused a huge social impact on the judicial process. In recent years, the classic cases of online public sentiments have an increasing influence on the judicial process. In this situation, it is very necessary to research the relations of public sentiments and judicial process.
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CLC: > Political, legal > Legal > Chinese law > Justice system
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