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Resonant cavity enhanced GaInAsSb infrared photodetector research
Author: LiJun
Tutor: SongHang
School: Graduate Schoo,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Course: Condensed Matter Physics
Keywords: Infrared detectors Resonant cavity enhanced GaSb / InAs Distributed Bragg Reflector GaInAsSb / GaSb MOCVD
CLC: TN215
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2004
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The structure of the conventional probe and PIN , resonant cavity enhanced (Resonant Cavity-Enhanced, RCE) photodetectors have both a high quantum efficiency and high bandwidth , particularly for high-speed probing . In this paper, RCE photodetector studied, designed GaInAsSb RCE device structure , and computer simulation of the device . Grown by MOCVD method PIN structure GaInAsSb infrared detector material and produce out of the device . Computer simulation of the spectral response of a device produced and compared with the results of the measurement . Analysis of the resonant cavity enhanced infrared detector characteristics are discussed in detail strong resonance enhanced quantum efficiency of the detector , and discusses the absorption of the mirror on the quantum efficiency of the device . Discussed in detail cavity quantum efficiency of a resonance quality factor Q of the cavity larger cavity quantum efficiency of the device the greater the results. Influences the cavity are discussed in detail detector bandwidth -enhanced several factors. To design a good performance of the RCE detector provides a theoretical preparation. Demonstrated GaSb / InAs quarter -wave stack (QWS) as working in the 2.4μm GaInAsSb RCE detector DBR 's feasibility and TMM method to calculate the GaSb / InAs QWS reflectivity and phase shift. Design an incident from the substrate GaInAsSb RCE detector structure, device performance was simulated and discussed in detail GaSb / InAs QWS reflectivity , the phase shift and the absorption of the device performance. Devices designed bimodal response characteristics can be used as two-color detector. A PIN structure made ??by MOCVD GaInAsSb infrared detector material , and produce a detector device , the spectrum of the device was measured . Obtained by computer simulation PIN-type GaInAsSb infrared detectors at 500K under the irradiation of blackbody radiation spectral response , and with the actual measurements were compared. Comparison shows that the calculated results and experimental results are close , the main difference is the difference of the peak position of 0.07μm, and the calculated value on the longer wavelength is high. This suggests that using a computer simulation method can get more accurate results.
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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Photonics technology,laser technology > Infrared technology and equipment > Infrared detection,infrared detectors
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