About 7637 item dissertation in line with University of Foreign Trade and Economic query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.030 seconds)
- Game Analysis and Strategies for settlement of trade disputes,YangShiHui/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,4/963
- A Research on the Opening of China’s Government Procurement Market,ZhangJiaZuo/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,14/2064
- On the Regime of Incorporated Foundation,XiaLiMin/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,2/1014
- A Study on Trustee’s Power(Right) & Duty(Liability) System in Business,JiangFang/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,8/592
- Analysis of Effects of Liberalization of Trade in Financial Services,ShiDan/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,8/2090
- Takeover Regulation on Listed Companies in China,MiaoHua/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,1/1308
- The Research of Life Insurers Asset Allocation,ChenXuZuo/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,1/700
- On the Demand for D&O Liability Insurance: Theories and Chinese Evidence,WangYouRu/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,2/527
- The Effect of International Investment Treaties on FDI Flow,FengYong/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,1/859
- The Plight of Developing Countries under the WTO Agriculture Subsidies Rules and Its Strategies in Response,LiuLiangHeng/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,2/1004
- Dissertation on Commodity Arbitration and Its Enlightenment on Chinese Arbitration,ZhangQiKun/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,1/328
- Close-out Netting in International Derivative Transactions,TaoXiuMing/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,9/571
- A Study for the Protection System of Corporation Creditors,LaiZuoRen/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,15/1488
- On the System of Intellectual Property Investment,ZhangBingSheng/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,15/1629
- The Comparative Analysis about the Effect of the Mutual Investment between China and Korea on the Economic Growth of Two Countries,PuZhengShou/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,2/641
- Based on Co-integration, VEC and GARCH-M Approach to Testing the Relationship of RMB/USD Spot and Forward Exchange Rates,SunDong/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,2/1906
- Comparison and Research in International Petroleum Contract Modes,WangNianPing/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,10/1478
- On the Legal Protection of Water Resources under the Real Right Law,CaiYongMin/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,6/984
- China 's foreign trade enterprises to export skills to identify and sort,ZhouZuo/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,0/546
- A Study on Growth Effects of Regional Economic Integration and Mode Selection,WangWeiWei/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,11/3515
- The Pricing and Empirical Study of Seasoned Equity Offerings,ZhangZhongYong/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,5/1297
- Warrants Pricing Models and Its Application in China Warrants Pricing,HouYingChun/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,11/1877
- Empirical Test on the Efficiency of China Government Bond Market,NiuYuRui/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,4/637
- Intermediate goods trade analysis,XiaPing/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,10/1960
- Empirical Study of China's civil aviation transportation market structure and competitive performance,HuRuiJuan/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,4/1508
- The Game Theory of the World Trading System,ChenTaiFeng/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,4/1265
- Dynamic Competition of Chinese beer industry competition and corporate,Diao/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,4/1763
- Trade Strategy and Policy for China’s Oil Security,XiongShaoHui/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,9/2146
- Supply chain management , collaborative production and offline settlement mode of study,SongGe/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,1/517
- Bank of International M \u0026 A Performance Study,ZhangQu/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,10/2257
- Legal system of China's rural social security,QianWenLiang/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,11/2283
- On Insurance Antimonopoly Exemption,LiZhiYan/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,3/452
- The abuse of intellectual property and its legal regulation of foreign trade,ChenJianLing/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,10/1313
- On the foreign court, the Recognition and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments,QianFeng/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,10/570
- On Prevention of the Judicialization of Arbitration,ZhangZuo/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,7/770
- On the Location of Arbitrators in Market Economy,ChenJian/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,1/352
- On the legal regulation of transnational commercial bribery,YuanDuJuan/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,6/1387
- Legal issues applicable to the WTO principle of national treatment in China,BaoYanNing/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,3/1055
- Coal mine safety accidents caused due to factors of economics and risk management methods,GuoHanFen/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,15/2672
- Commercial Registration Legal System,WangLingJun/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,23/1644
- The Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Legal Research,LiMei/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,7/645
- A Study of International Commercial Usage and Its Application,TianXiaoYun/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,3/741
- Research on Surety System,CuiFengZuo/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,3/699
- On the judicial rules of unfair competition,ChenSi/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,1/801
- A Study of Underlying Asset Volatilities and Derivatives Innovation: The Case of China,WeiLuPeng/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,6/1556
- The field of civil aviation antitrust laws apply to,LiuJiaXu/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,8/1022
- A Study of the Changes and the Legal Protection of Copyright in Information Era,ZhangXiaoQin/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,10/1676
- Trademark dilution,WeiSen/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,5/1751
- The Legal Justice of Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights,WuChangHai/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,7/2311
- On the common law of real estate mortgage legal system,MaoHeWen/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,3/886
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