About 142 item dissertation in line with DNS query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.036 seconds)
- A Correlation Study between the Changes of the Term Sructure of Interest Rates and Macroeconomic Variables,ZhangWang/Dongbei University of Finance,0/2
- The Construction Scheme of Shanghai XX Government Portals Website,LiYuanZuo/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/51
- Research of Fast-flux Bot Detection and System Implementation,LiuZiMao/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/11
- Research on the Technologies of Internet Traffic Localiztion,YuJiang/Jilin University,0/15
- Design and Implementation of DNS Proxy on High Concurrency Router Platform,YangZuoYu/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/1
- Research on Site Selection of DNS Server Based on Partition-weighted Voronoi Diagrams,ZhangHaiLong/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/10
- Research on the Evaluation Model of the Service Quality of DNS,HuPeng/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/21
- Optimization and Implementation of a Company’s Domain Name System in Xinjiang,HaMuLaTi/Xiamen University,0/4
- Study on Preparation Process by Membrane Tecnology,and Bacteriostasis of Pinus Koraiiensis Corn Polysaccharide,FengXue/Qingdao University of Science and Technology,0/7
- Screening of Alginate Producing Strain and Optimization of Fermentation Condition,ZuoLei/Dalian University of Technology,0/6
- Screening of Producing Cellulase Bacteria and Ultraviolet Mutagenesis,ZhangXueJia/Hunan Agricultural University,0/4
- Synthesis of Novel β-cyclodextrins and Chiral Separation in Capillary Electrophoresis,LuYingYing/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/15
- Direct Numerical Simulation and Its Statistical Analysis of the Collapse of Multi-bubbles,WenZhongQing/Zhejiang University,0/12
- Investigation on the Interconnect between Mobile Device and Consumable Electric Application,ChenJiaQi/Guangxi University,0/66
- Research on the Performance of CDN in Defending Against DDoS Attack,XiongYu/Northeastern University,0/31
- Design and Implementation of Deploying DNS System Based on the Anycast Technology,FanWen/Shandong University,0/9
- Research on Estimation of Domain Visits via DNS Cache,HuangZhen/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/1
- Design and Implementation of DNS Structure Vulnerability Assessment System Based on Domain Name Resolution,WangXiaoYing/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/1
- Design and Implemention for DNS Information Detection System Based on Distributed Platform,SunRui/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/1
- The Research on Botnet Detection,LiXiaoLi/PLA Information Engineering University,0/3
- Reserach and Design of DNS System Security Enhancement,RenLiJun/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/14
- The Implementation and Research of Internet Spoofing Attacks and Prevention,GongTingZuo/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/78
- Research and Implementation of Domain Name System with Control Capacity,WangHui/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/9
- The Analysis and Study on Internet DNS Traffic,ZuoChen/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/18
- Internet Measurement and Traffic Characterization Based on Application Layer and Transport Layer,ZhangMin/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/319
- Research and Implementation of Test Methods of Protocol Extensible Property,GuoYaJie/Inner Mongolia University,2/14
- The Approximate Association Based on the Network Data Stream for the User Identity,FanKuan/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/43
- User Grouping Based on DNS Visit Records Mining,YangKang/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/90
- Research on Key Technology for Mapping System,SongHaiRui/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/8
- The Design and Implementation of A Unified M2M Service Platform,ZhanZuo/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/33
- Research to support multi standard networking code resolution system,JingJie/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/142
- Direct Numerical Simulation of the Tombustion in Supersonic Tuibulent Flow,LuShuQiang/Zhejiang University,0/311
- Preparation and Catalytic Properties of Transition-Metal-Containing Hydrotalcite-like Compounds,WangXiaoZuo/Dalian University of Technology,0/107
- Synthesis of Novel Cationic β-cyclodextrins for Enhanced Enantiomeric Separation via Hydrogen-bonding in Capillary Electrophoresis,WangShuYe/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/81
- Synthesis of Novel Positively Charged β-cyclodextrins and Their Application for Enantiomeric Separation in Capillary Electrophoresis,DaiYun/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/68
- Isolation and Cellulose Degradation of the Cenuloiytic Myxobacteria,GuoSiWen/Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,0/24
- Numerical Study on Turbulent Channel Flow Over A Compliant Wall,LiuHaiXiang/Tsinghua University,0/34
- Research of Flowing in Generalized Transitional Regime Based on Experiment and DNS Methods,ShaoZhuFeng/Shandong University,0/18
- Research on Domain Name System Security,Wang/Harbin Institute of Technology,3/406
- Numerical Simulation of turbulent heat transfer and turbulence control,WangLei/University of Science and Technology of China,3/788
- Investigation on Transition of Laminar-turbulent in a Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate Based on the Spatial Model,LiNing/Tianjin University,0/205
- Investigation of Air Jet Flow and Syngas Jet Flame by Direct Numerical Simulation,HePei/Zhejiang University,0/250
- Research on Worm Propagation and Detection in IPv6,XuYanGui/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/134
- Anycast technology in the practice of the DNS system,ZhengSanJun/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/139
- Design and Implementation of a Local Load Balacing System for CDN,ChenMing/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/277
- Design and Implementation of Automatic Registration Authentication System Based on IPv6 DNS,WangLuHua/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/99
- Research on Construction Technology of a Manageable CERNET Province Area Network(PAN),DuanXiaoRong/Nanchang University,1/17
- The Design & Research of DNSSEC Based on Multi-trust Model,YiWeiXing/Suzhou University,1/62
- Galaxy Securities online trading Present Situation, Problems and Countermeasures,ZhengXu/Dongbei University of Finance,0/380
- The Design & Realization of Mirror Load & Accelerated Access System of Jilin Provice Government Potorl,ShenQiang/Jilin University,0/84
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