About 1048 item dissertation in line with Digital signature query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.055 seconds)
- Research and Improvement of Online Payment Model Based on SSL Protocol,ChenXiuQiong/Northeastern University,0/6
- The Design and Implementation of CA Safe Authentication System Core Functions in E-government,WangJuan/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/18
- Design and Implementation of Digital Stamp System Based on Office Automation,ZhangDaZhi/Northeastern University,0/4
- Design and Realization of Anti-counterfeit System Based on RFID,DingYongBo/Sun Yat-sen University,0/41
- Design and implementation of digital archives system,ZhaoMeiChao/Shaanxi Normal University,0/61
- Analysis of Online Payment Business and Implementation of Payment Gate Way System for BOC,ChenWeiQiang/University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,College of Engineering&Information Technology,0/2
- Design and Implementation of Electronic Record System for Public Law Enforcement,YangDeShi/Xiamen University,0/11
- The Design and Implentation of Transportation Industry Digital Signature System,ZhouZhou/Shandong University,0/8
- LBH-based Optimal Authenticated Data Structure Model and Application,LiFuXiang/Northeastern University,0/2
- A New Method Based on Digital Signature and Digital Watermark Online Trading Agreement,WuZuoBin/West China University,0/8
- Based on Digital Signatures and Fingerprint Identification Police Interrogation Record and Paperless Office Solutions,LinWenYuan/Ocean University of China,0/2
- Blind Identification for Digital Images Based on Inconsistency of Illuminant Direction,XiaJianLei/Zhongyuan Institute of Technology,0/5
- Research of Content Extraction Signatures Based on RSA,CaiWei/Northwest Normal University,0/3
- The Development and Security Assessment of Digital Signature System for E-commerce,ZouChengZhi/University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,College of Engineering&Information Technology,0/3
- Design and Implementation of Web Video Surveillance Platform,XiongWei/Central China Normal University,0/2
- Research on Anonymous Signature Scheme Based on Non-interactive Zero-knowledge Proof,WangLanLan/Northeastern University,0/6
- Improvement of Twisted Edwards Curve Digital Signature Algorithms and Their Application to Mobile Security,PuChengYan/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/5
- Research on Identity-Based Signature Scheme in the Standard Model,GuKe/Central South University,0/158
- Research and design on proxy signature scheme,YangLi/Shaanxi Normal University,0/37
- Partially Blind Signature Research Based on Bilinear Parings,WangZuo/Hefei University of Technology,0/19
- Research about Collision Free Security of Hash Algorithms Based on Quasigroup,XuYanPing/Ningbo University,0/1
- Research on threshold signature,XieJunQin/Shaanxi Normal University,0/33
- Study on the Sanitizable Digital Signature Scheme,LiRui/Chang'an University,0/3
- Design and Implementation of a Secure System for Mobile Fee-paying Terminals,RongFei/Shandong University,0/19
- The Design and Implementation of a Random Response System Based on Homomorphism,CaoKunMei/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/2
- Research and Development on Aircraft Fault Management Information System,ZhaoZuo/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/17
- Analysis and Desigin of the E-voting Protocol in Campus Network,WangJiaFeng/Anhui University,0/32
- The Design and Implementation of Government Security E-mail System,WangJinYi/Jilin University,0/55
- Design and Implementation of ERP Aided Digital Signature System,ShiZuo/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/13
- Design and Implementation of PKI-Based Kerberos Unified Authentication and Authorization System,SunCongYou/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,1/96
- Applying Dog License Based on PKI Technology in the Internet,ChenHui/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/6
- Design and Implementation of Remote Mobile Payment System Based on Digital Certificate,GuanLong/Northeastern University,0/85
- Research on SOA-Oritented Command and Control System Information Interactive Security Mechanism,JinXueMeng/Shenyang University of Technology,0/43
- Enhance the study of intelligent CPU card electronic wallet safe,ZuoZhenWei/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/56
- Research and Implementation of Unified Authentication System Based on Digital Signature,LiuPeng/North China Electric Power University,0/89
- Research for Online Security Pay Scheme Based on PKI and SSL Protocol,ZhaoYingGe/Dalian Maritime University,0/275
- The Study of Multi-bank Divisible E-Cash Protocol,LiYing/Yanshan University,0/22
- Research and Implementation on Public-Key Based RFID Authentication Technology,ChenZhiYi/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,1/99
- Software Protection Key Technology Research of Security Management System,WangYanNa/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/49
- The Design and Implementation of Military Material Management System,SuJianHui/Dalian University of Technology,2/99
- Tax E-Government Document System Design and Realization,HePing/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/31
- Analysis and Design of China Life E-Policy System Based on PKI Technology,FuYue/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/66
- Design and Implementation of Electronic Bank Account Management System Based on ISO20022,ZhangMin/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/66
- Design and Implementation of Students Work Platform for Students’ Counselor,ZhuoFei/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/96
- Development of Vehicle Remote Monitoring Management System Based on.NET Platform,LiDongBo/Yanshan University,0/1
- Digital Watermarking Based on Public Key Cryptosystem and DWT,LinBaoYuan/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/10
- Design of a Drug Anti-forgery and Tracing System Based on Lightweight Digital Signatures,LiNa/Beijing University of Technology,0/1
- Digital Copyright Protection Scheme Based on JUNA Lightweight Digital Signatures,HaoHaiLin/Beijing University of Technology,0/5
- Research and Implementation of Electronic Seal System Based on PKI/CA,TanJie/Nanchang University,0/2
- Research on security of single sign on system based on SAML signature and digital envelope,MaYongChun/Nanhua University,0/12
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